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Rep. Susan Wild Celebrates One Year of CHIPS Act Investments in American Manufacturing

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ALLENTOWN, P.A. – On the one-year anniversary of the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, a law revitalizing and massively increasing American-made semiconductors, streamlining and protecting American supply chains, and strengthening national security, Congresswoman Susan Wild—a key advocate for the legislation’s passage—released the following statement:

“I worked to pass the CHIPS and Science Act into law, because it’s by investing in making things here at home that we strengthen our economy and create good-paying jobs for American workers. One year later, the CHIPS Act is revitalizing our domestic semiconductor industry to grow our workforce and help regions like ours build on our long, proud history as a manufacturing powerhouse. I’m very proud that my Regional Innovation Act, passed through CHIPS, has begun the process of establishing Tech Hubs to spur domestic production and innovation – and I will continue pushing to bring these investments and more back to the Greater Lehigh Valley, to bring good-paying careers home and build an economy that works for everyone.”


The CHIPS Act is Delivering for Pennsylvania Workers:

  • The CHIPS and Science Act has spurred more than $300 million in semiconductor and electronics investments in Pennsylvania.
  • Since the CHIPS Act was signed into law one year ago, the United States has seen more than $231 billion in private sector investments in building semiconductors across the country.
  • 45+ community colleges announced new or expanded semiconductor workforce programs, and student applications to full-time jobs posted by semiconductor companies were up 79% in 2022-2023, compared to just 19% for other industries.
  • Here at home in PA-07, the CHIPS Act is incentivizing manufacturers like ABB to invest in the Lehigh Valley, creating skilled manufacturing jobs for people in our community.


Rep. Wild’s Work to Establish the Tech Hub Program:

  • Rep. Wild introduced the bipartisan Regional Innovation Act in 2021 to promote and support American technological research and innovation in places like the Greater Lehigh Valley, by incentivizing collaborative partnerships between local governments, colleges and universities, private industry, non-profits, and community organizations.
  • Rep. Wild’s Regional Innovation Act was rolled into the package of bills passed into law through the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act during summer of 2022.
  • In December 2022, Rep. Wild wrote President Biden urging the Administration to select the Greater Lehigh Valley as the site for a Tech Hub.
  • In April 2023, Rep. Wild called for full funding for the newly established EDA Tech Hub program in Fiscal Year 2024. 
  • Now, Rep. Wild is pushing to bring a Tech Hub here to PA-07.


About the Regional Innovation Hubs Program:

  • The Regional Innovation Hub program, administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce and created by legislation championed by Rep. Wild—the Regional Innovation Act of 2021—was passed into law within the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022.
  • The Economic Development Agency (EDA) expects to designate 20+ Tech Hubs across the country to strengthen U.S. economic and national security through place-based investments.
  • A Fact Sheet on the Tech Hubs program can be found HERE.
  • More information from the Department of Commerce about this first Notice of Funding as well as Tech Hub application phases and eligibility can be found HERE.

