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The God of All Joy

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Look around. Most of the people we see suffer from one problem: no hope. These people may have causes and crusades, but they are so empty. They just exist form birth to death with no real peace in their souls and no hope to sustain them.

I personally like how Paul started off our text, “Now may the God of hope.” Hope means a confident expectation. Truly God is the source of our “great expectations.”

What are these expectations? Joy and peace. Joy relates to the delight of seeing our hopes fulfilled and peace results from the assurance that our God will fulfill those hopes. Joy and peace together express “the apostle’s deep desire for all believers to have total spiritual satisfaction in their beloved Savior and Lord.” (MacArthur)

Monroe Matters: Madden Talks Infrastructure with U.S. Rep. Cartwright

In her latest edition of 'Monroe Matters,' Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden sits down with U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright to discuss the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which was recently signed into law by President Biden, and what it will mean for Northeast Pennsylvania.

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Madden Supports Law Enforcement, Condemns Gun Bill

Before voting against an open carry gun bill, Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden emphasized how the legislation would heighten danger for law enforcement during traffic stops, make it easier for people like those who participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection to conceal firearms, and the fact that statistics show violence increases in areas where conceal carry without permits is allowed. Time and energy would be better spent passing legislation designed to actually help Pennsylvanians, she said, not bills that decrease safety within our communities.

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150th Anniversary Celebration

The next committee meeting will be held Monday, December 6 at 4:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building

***Deadline for letters to be included in the 2070 time capsule extended until Friday, December 3!!

Need stocking stuffer ideas, or a quick and easy gift idea? We can help!!!
150th Anniversary Movie on USB/Flash Drive $15.00
Commemorative T Shirts $10.00 Short Sleeve/$15.00 Long Sleeve

150th Anniversary Celebration

The next committee meeting will be held Monday, December 6 at 4:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building

***Deadline for letters to be included in the 2070 time capsule extended until Friday, December 3!!

Need stocking stuffer ideas, or a quick and easy gift idea? We can help!!!
150th Anniversary Movie on USB/Flash Drive $15.00
Commemorative T Shirts $10.00 Short Sleeve/$15.00 Long Sleeve

150th Anniversary Celebration

The next committee meeting will be held Monday, December 6 at 4:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building

***Deadline for letters to be included in the 2070 time capsule extended until Friday, December 3!!

Need stocking stuffer ideas, or a quick and easy gift idea? We can help!!!
150th Anniversary Movie on USB/Flash Drive $15.00
Commemorative T Shirts $10.00 Short Sleeve/$15.00 Long Sleeve

Healthy Home Repair Program

Healthy Home Repair Program

This program provides a one-time assistance grant to assist in repairing and removing health and safety hazards for COVID vulnerable and impacted families and individuals

Healthy Home Repair Program

Healthy Home Repair Program

This program provides a one-time assistance grant to assist in repairing and removing health and safety hazards for COVID vulnerable and impacted families and individuals

Healthy Home Repair Program

Healthy Home Repair Program

This program provides a one-time assistance grant to assist in repairing and removing health and safety hazards for COVID vulnerable and impacted families and individuals

Learning to Wait

“I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope.” (Psalm 130:5)

One of the things I had to do most in the hospital was to wait. Waiting for the nurse, for pain medications, for various tests, for healing, for the morning to come, and finally to go home. My hospital stay was a series of events centered on waiting.

The psalmist also was waiting. The Hebrew word “wait” he used means to “look forward with confidence and eager expectation to that which is good and beneficial.” Now, the psalmist was not just waiting, he was waiting on the Lord. He was patiently, but eagerly looking to his Lord, the promise keeper. This was no casual exercise on his part. He says, “my soul does wait.” Here is a waiting that is wholehearted. With his entire being he was looking forward to the Lord to work in his circumstances.

Madden Calls for Campaign Finance Reform

At a State Government Committee hearing on term limits this week, Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden argued instead for campaign finance reform, suggesting too much corporate money puts well-meaning, grassroots organizers at a distinct and unfair disadvantage. Term limits, she said, already exist through the power of the ballot box, though she agrees there should be term limits for the President of the United States and the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Madden Decries Daylight Saving Time

Taking a firm stance against Cher's musical desire to "turn back time," Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden joined the full-throated, bipartisan support to eliminate daylight saving time in PA and across the country. Daylight saving time, she said, "isn't fooling anybody. ... Let's just end this. It's annoying."

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Madden: Free and Fair Elections are Critical

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden stressed the importance of properly funding elections across the commonwealth to ensure voters and poll workers are educated, election workers are fairly paid, and elections remain free and fair during debate at Monday's State Government Committee voting meeting. Promoting politically motivated legislation surrounding election law, she said, undermines the will of the people.

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“My times are in Your hand…

“My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me.”   (Psalm 31.15)

Someone has summed up this verse in the following way: all my life, with its ‘sundry and manifold changes,’ its joys and sorrows, its hopes and conflicts, are not the sport of chance, or the creatures of a blind fate but are in Thy hand.

David speaks of times. The Hebrew word “times” refers to points of time or to the events of life. The word is plural and thus covers all the circumstances of our lives. This means that our entire life is in God’s hands, whether in the hardness of adversity or in the ease of prosperity.

Welcome to My Insomnia

It's time for the weird, the wonderful, and the silly - also known as this week's edition of Welcome to My Insomnia. Thanks to some random late-night Googling, it's come to my attention that the Annals of Improbable Research have once again awarded their annual Ig-Nobel Prizes. While the Ig-Nobel Prizes might not be as well-known as the fancier Nobel Prizes (which definitely have better PR with all that "for the greatest benefit to humankind" shtick), the Iggy's are not some fictional prize made up in the middle of the night by the Ale Mail Editorial Board. In fact, Science People have been giving out Ig-Nobels for more than three decades, in order to honor and celebrate the best, the weirdest, and potentially the most pointless scientific research. Or, as they like to put it: research that first makes you laugh... and then makes you think.

This year, Ig-Nobel Prize winners included intrepid researchers who proved:

Short Term Rentals Not Permitted in Residential Zoning Districts

Amended Ordinance 273 Short-Term Rental Zoning Di


“O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8)

For almost three weeks I have not been able to swallow. That changed this morning. I was able to actually swallow my Orgain nutritional shake. Not only was I able to swallow it, I could taste it. And how good it tasted!!

I was reminded of our text today, “O taste and see that the LORD is good.” How many do not taste, that is experience, the Lord! If we would just trust the Lord and walk in His presence, we would see (or know) the goodness of the Lord.

Trust in the Devastation

Job 13:15 -Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him…

I have just recently received a realignment in my relationship with the God who is my Father and Savior. As I am sitting here typing in pain, unable to swallow yet, waiting for the various swellings from my operation to heal, I have found myself in a situation I cannot control. So, the words of Scripture invade my soul, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him…”

I notice from this verse some challenges and encouragements.

First, God is at work. Surely God was using Satan as the agent of Job’s suffering, yet it was still the Lord sending the pain. It was the Almighty God who sent the suffering, while controlling its depth and duration. I know that God is in control and I can trust His purposes.

Madden Urges Further Bipartisan Spirit for Good Governance

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden praised the near-unanimous bipartisan passage of the lobbying reform package of bills from the House State Government Committee Monday morning. Specifically, she highlighted the work of colleagues Rep. Joe Webster and Rep. Tina Davis, whose bills very closely resemble two of the 11 reform bills the committee voted to advance Madden called for continued passage of good legislation, regardless of the party that introduced it, and for members of the General Assembly to work cooperatively in the spirit of good democracy.

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Madden Discusses Healthcare Consolidation Trend

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden hosted the House Democratic Policy Committee in Stroudsburg to discuss the impacts of recent healthcare consolidation trends in our communities and their effects on workers and overall patient care.

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