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Staff Feature on Ms.Marsh School Nurse

At which school in the district do you work? I work at Stroudsburg High School. How long have you been working at SASD? I have worked here for 3 years. What is your favorite part of working at SASD? SASD is very welcoming and the staff is extremely friendly; there is an amazing sense of family here as well. What is one piece of advice you would share with your students? I would say to my students: to strive for success, to be true to themselves, and to enjoy their high school years as they fly by quickly! How and when did you know being a school nurse was what you wanted to do I needed a change after my husband’s passing and I enjoy working with high school students. Who do you look up to? I always looked up to my father, he was a hard worker, provided for his family, and taught us work ethic.

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