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17 Myrtle Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 - Compass

17 Myrtle Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 is a multi-family home listed for sale at $899900. This is a 15-bed, 7-bath, 8298 sqft property.

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [d8e33395285938c57c45cc88567c40e4]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Charles T. Green a/k/a Charles Green a/k/a Charles Trevor Green, lateof Coolbaugh Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within four months months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans' Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. Endaca Gina, Adm. 2120 Summit Ridge Loop Morrisville NC 27560 or To: Gretchen Marsh Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg PA 18360 Publication Dates L00000000

Here's Why Work on the Temporary Bridge in Milford Stopped

The bridge in Milford spanning the Sawkill Creek has PennDOT's lowest rating and is being re-fitted.  Currently, a temporary bridge being constructed to handle traffic during the year-long project.  Yet, last week work on that temporary bridge was abruptly halted.  News13's Preston Ehrler uncovered the story and tell us what happened.

Municipal Center Closing

Description Coolbaugh Township Municipal Center will be closed on Friday, June 14, 2024 from 12pm-2pm to allow our employees to attend an employee appreciation luncheon. Office will reopen following the event.

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [02286ab90d25ff7474d5bbf08832bde5]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 FIRST PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR MONROE COUNTY AND ON BEHALF OF EAST STROUDSBURG AND STROUDSBURG BOROUGH FOR THE FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR (FFY) 2024 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that the Monroe County Commissioners plan to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The County has not been informed as to the amount of FFY 2024 allocation nor the deadline to submit the application. Anticipated funding allocations based on FFY 2023 allocations are expected to be received as follows: Monroe County - $401,473, East Stroudsburg Borough - $157,685, and Stroudsburg Borough - $116,010. The application to DCED is expected to be due in the Fall of 2024.

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [27e38a710a83c987bd84a56406b3dced]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Adam Joseph Saccheri a/k/a Adam Saccheri, lateof Pocono Township, Monroe County County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all personsindebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. Josephine Saccheri 3811 Aspen Way, Tannersville, PA 18372 or To: Timothy B. Fisher II, Esq. of Fisher & Fisher Law Offices LLC 525 Main Street, PO Box 396, Gouldsboro, PA 18424 Publication Dates L00000000

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [50853b91774a371029b290da96d31ab2]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Shirley A. Weirich, late of Stroud Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Monroe County Orphans' Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. John D. Weirich, Ex. 205 Glenview Ave Stroudsburg PA 18360 or To: Gretchen Marsh Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe St Stroudsburg PA 18360 Publication Dates L00000000

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [820cdefc46ebbe86a20ad72dc660eb55]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 Hearing Notice Please be advised that the Milford Borough Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on July 1st, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Borough Hall located at 109 W. Catharine Street. This hearing will be to consider the application/appeal of Blue Stone Property Holdings / Justin Jorgenson seeking a variance for relief from to Section 312-20 of the Milford Borough Zoning Ordinance, to wit, a staircase projecting into the front yard of a vacant lot on Blackberry Alley, tax map number 113-13-03-73. The application/appeal is available for inspection during regular business hours at the Borough Office at 500 Broad Street or by calling 570-296-7140. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing. John Ciccolella Zoning Hearing Board Chairman Justin Pfaff Zoning Board Solicitor Publication Dates L00000000

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [bb7aa2966b9afece778cf63d64e07f97]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 PUBLIC NOTICE BOROUGH OF EAST STROUDSBURG MONROE COUNTY Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Borough of East Stroudsburg Code of Ordinances, Chapter 157, Zoning, § 157-20.C(1)(a-e), the Borough of East Stroudsburg Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing to consider a Variance Application by GARY KESSEL AND ANGELA BOVZIO for the property located at 482 CHESTNUT STREET, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 (PID: 05730108883339; Tax Max No. 05-

Public Notice: 06/13/2024 [ee9ac8363f0ad12f1d126c0388a2056f]

Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:00:00 ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Elise Elmore, lateof Stroud Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. Aubreyana Elmore or To: c/o Timothy B. Fisher II, Esq. of Fisher & Fisher Law Offices LLC 525 Main Street, PO Box 396, Gouldsboro, PA 18424 Publication Dates L00000000

Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau Returning As Entitlement Sponsor For July NASCAR Xfinity Series Race

The Explore the Pocono Mountains 225 returns to “The Tricky Triangle” on Saturday, July 13. The weekend also will feature the CRAFTSMAN Truck Series CRC Brakleen 175  on Friday, July 12, and The Great American Getaway 400 presented by VISITPA Cup Series race Sunday, July 14. LONG POND, Pa. (June 13, 2024) – The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau (PMVB) will serve as the  entitlement sponsor of the NASCAR Xfinity Series race at Pocono Raceway for a third consecutive year when the series returns on Saturday, July 13. The Explore the Pocono Mountains 225 will be part of the July 12-14 race weekend featuring all three of NASCAR’s national series. The Xfinity Series event will be the middle race with the CRAFTSMAN Truck Series CRC Brakleen 175 on Friday, July 12, and The Great American Getaway 400 presented by VISITPA Cup Series race on Sunday, July 14.

Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau Returning as Entitlement Sponsor for NASCAR Xfinity Series Race

• The Explore the Pocono Mountains 225 returns to “The Tricky Triangle” on Saturday, July 13.

Mt Pocono Section 8 Housing

Mt Pocono Low Income Housing. Mt Pocono Has Total 0 Low Income Available Units. the the Housing Authority of Monroe County Services These Units.

Juneteenth Freedom Festival is Saturday in Stroudsburg

Juneteenth Freedom Festival is Saturday in Stroudsburg

UB student killed after she was rear-ended by a drunk driver |

The Monroe County District Attorney says Alexander Hackett, 33, is charged with felony vehicular manslaughter related to the death of 18-year-old ...

Incidente de tiroteo | Noticias -

BETHLEHEM, Pa .-Se dan a conocer nuevos detalles sobre una escena intensa que se desarrolló el martes 11 de junio por la mañana en Bethlehem, ...

Stroudsburg farm gives 19th-century experience | 28/22 News -

STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm will be opening for its summer season this weekend.

Stroudsburg farm gives 19th-century experience

STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm will be opening for its summer season this weekend. Guests are brought back in time when they enter the farm with tour guides and workers dressed in 19th-century attire. Each worker shows guests how life was like back then and demonstrates typical farm life in the 1800s. 85-year-old hall-of-fame skydiver makes jump in Stroudsburg There are many events throughout the summer, including a barn dance on Friday, a Civil War reenactment later in the month, an open-air painting contest, as well as a 5k fundraiser for the farm.

MCSO: 2-year-old girl dies after drowning in swimming pool at Tellico Plains home

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office said the drowning was in the Tellico Plains area.

85-year-old hall-of-fame skydiver makes jump in Stroudsburg -

STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — On Wednesday, a seasoned, hall-of-fame, world champion skydiver made a stop in the Poconos, ...

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