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Administration changes breakfast rules

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

An announcement was made on the morning of Dec. 8, 2023, regarding a change in procedure with breakfast.

Instead of going straight to breakfast upon arrival, students must wait at whichever entrance they take until 6:50 A.M.

Students must enter the cafeteria through a side door, located at the end of the glass hallway. This door enters directly in front of the tray line and would allow students to enter and receive breakfast in a more organized manner. Once students have received breakfast, they are not permitted to leave until after 7:05 A.M. 

“The reason behind the rule change is due to students roaming the hallways before the time they are allowed to be in the building. As well as students doing things in the bathroom that go against the school’s policy,” explained Ms. Christine Gangaware, an assistant principal at the high school.

The administration hopes this will prohibit students from entering early, wandering halls, or loitering in bathrooms.