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Weaver: Update on GOVERNOR’S EMERGENCY Order and Mask Mandate

Hello Pastors and Church Leaders,

I’m sure many of you are in the midst of summer activities and programs. Although COVID changed many of our plans over the past year it’s encouraging to see some annual events like missions trips, youth camps, and VBS programs slowly coming back. Our world needs to hear the gospel of Christ Jesus during these tumultuous times. 

We have a few briefing items for you all:

1. PA Governor’s Emergency Order Ends: Even though Churches and Houses of Worship have been consistently exempt from the Governor’s Emergency Order, we did want you to be informed that the Emergency Order has come to an end through the recent Constitutional Amendment vote and the subsequent legislative vote earlier in the month. This means that gathering restrictions and other executive restrictions have now been lifted. 

Borough Council Meetings/Work Sessions Information

Regular Borough Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday each month at 7:15PM (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays).

Regular Borough Council Work Sessions are held on the fourth Monday each month at 7PM (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays).




The East Stroudsburg Borough Council will hold Regular Meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays) at 7:15PM in the East Stroudsburg Municipal Building at 24 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 and via East Stroudsburg Borough Page on Facebook.

Borough Council Meetings/Work Sessions Information

Regular Borough Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday each month at 7:15PM (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays).

Regular Borough Council Work Sessions are held on the fourth Monday each month at 7PM (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays).




The East Stroudsburg Borough Council will hold Regular Meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays) at 7:15PM in the East Stroudsburg Municipal Building at 24 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 and via East Stroudsburg Borough Page on Facebook.

Borough Council Meetings/Work Sessions Information

Regular Borough Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday each month at 7:15PM (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays).

Regular Borough Council Work Sessions are held on the fourth Monday each month at 7PM (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays).




The East Stroudsburg Borough Council will hold Regular Meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays) at 7:15PM in the East Stroudsburg Municipal Building at 24 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301.

The East Stroudsburg Borough Council will hold Work Sessions on the fourth Monday of each month (unless otherwise posted, due to Holidays) at 7PM in the East Stroudsburg Municipal Building at 24 Analomink Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Another Summer of Family Fun & Learning in the Poconos

Take Trip Back in Time

Hello Folks, Aunt Eunice here. I hope you are all doing well and are getting ready for summer. To some people, that means getting the blades on the lawn mower sharpened or hosing off the lawn furniture or getting more propane tanks for the grill. For Quiet Valley, it means gearing up for our summer tour season. On the third Saturday in June, we open our gates to the public for tours of the historic farm. It’s a chance to spend some time in the 19th century. Since we will be portraying family members living in the 1800s on our small family farm, we will ask you to use your imagination and pretend you have traveled back in time. No cars. No computers or cell phones. Just traditional chores and heritage crafts being done, animals being cared for as well as the growing and harvesting of crops. Quiet Valley is a small working farm as well as a living history museum.

Another Summer of Family Fun & Learning in the Poconos

Take Trip Back in Time

Hello Folks, Aunt Eunice here. I hope you are all doing well and are getting ready for summer. To some people, that means getting the blades on the lawn mower sharpened or hosing off the lawn furniture or getting more propane tanks for the grill. For Quiet Valley, it means gearing up for our summer tour season. On the third Saturday in June, we open our gates to the public for tours of the historic farm. It’s a chance to spend some time in the 19th century. Since we will be portraying family members living in the 1800s on our small family farm, we will ask you to use your imagination and pretend you have traveled back in time. No cars. No computers or cell phones. Just traditional chores and heritage crafts being done, animals being cared for as well as the growing and harvesting of crops. Quiet Valley is a small working farm as well as a living history museum.

Another Summer of Family Fun & Learning in the Poconos

Take Trip Back in Time

Hello Folks, Aunt Eunice here. I hope you are all doing well and are getting ready for summer. To some people, that means getting the blades on the lawn mower sharpened or hosing off the lawn furniture or getting more propane tanks for the grill. For Quiet Valley, it means gearing up for our summer tour season. On the third Saturday in June, we open our gates to the public for tours of the historic farm. It’s a chance to spend some time in the 19th century. Since we will be portraying family members living in the 1800s on our small family farm, we will ask you to use your imagination and pretend you have traveled back in time. No cars. No computers or cell phones. Just traditional chores and heritage crafts being done, animals being cared for as well as the growing and harvesting of crops. Quiet Valley is a small working farm as well as a living history museum.

Another Summer of Family Fun & Learning in the Poconos

Take Trip Back in Time

Hello Folks, Aunt Eunice here. I hope you are all doing well and are getting ready for summer. To some people, that means getting the blades on the lawn mower sharpened or hosing off the lawn furniture or getting more propane tanks for the grill. For Quiet Valley, it means gearing up for our summer tour season. On the third Saturday in June, we open our gates to the public for tours of the historic farm. It’s a chance to spend some time in the 19th century. Since we will be portraying family members living in the 1800s on our small family farm, we will ask you to use your imagination and pretend you have traveled back in time. No cars. No computers or cell phones. Just traditional chores and heritage crafts being done, animals being cared for as well as the growing and harvesting of crops. Quiet Valley is a small working farm as well as a living history museum.

Another Summer of Family Fun & Learning in the Poconos

Take Trip Back in Time

Hello Folks, Aunt Eunice here. I hope you are all doing well and are getting ready for summer. To some people, that means getting the blades on the lawn mower sharpened or hosing off the lawn furniture or getting more propane tanks for the grill. For Quiet Valley, it means gearing up for our summer tour season. On the third Saturday in June, we open our gates to the public for tours of the historic farm. It’s a chance to spend some time in the 19th century. Since we will be portraying family members living in the 1800s on our small family farm, we will ask you to use your imagination and pretend you have traveled back in time. No cars. No computers or cell phones. Just traditional chores and heritage crafts being done, animals being cared for as well as the growing and harvesting of crops. Quiet Valley is a small working farm as well as a living history museum.

Madden: Women Must Continue to Have the Right to Choose

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden speaks out against legislation that would mandate ritual burial or cremation when women have a miscarriage, sharing her personal experiences when she was faced with this situation.

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6.3.2021 -Flushing Hydrants – Jade Avenue/Amber Court

Our water department employees are currently flushing hydrants in the area of Jade Avenue and Amber Court, located in Stones Throw.  If you are in or around this area, you may experience dirty water and/or low water pressure due to this process.  You can let your water run for a few minutes until it clears up.  If you continue to have water issues, please contact our office at 570-421-8300.  We are open from 8am until 5 pm. 

6.3.2021 -Flushing Hydrants – Jade Avenue/Amber Court

Our water department employees are currently flushing hydrants in the area of Jade Avenue and Amber Court, located in Stones Throw.  If you are in or around this area, you may experience dirty water and/or low water pressure due to this process.  You can let your water run for a few minutes until it clears up.  If you continue to have water issues, please contact our office at 570-421-8300.  We are open from 8am until 5 pm. 

6.3.2021 -Flushing Hydrants – Jade Avenue/Amber Court

Our water department employees are currently flushing hydrants in the area of Jade Avenue and Amber Court, located in Stones Throw.  If you are in or around this area, you may experience dirty water and/or low water pressure due to this process.  You can let your water run for a few minutes until it clears up.  If you continue to have water issues, please contact our office at 570-421-8300.  We are open from 8am until 5 pm. 

Water Main Break 6.2.21

June 2, 2021 – There was a water main break on West Fourth Street. Five houses on West Fourth Street (from North Courtland Street to Oak Street) are under a boil water advisory until further notice. The boil water advisory only affects those few houses on West Fourth Street, and written notices have been hand-delivered to the affected addresses.

If you live in the outlying areas, you may be affected by dirty water and/or low water pressure. You can let your water run for a few minutes, which should clear up the water. If you continue to have issues, please contact our office at 570-421-8300.

For updates on this and any other borough news, please sign up for CODE RED or SAVVY CITIZEN alerts. There is a link on our home page, or call Becky at 570-421-8300 ext 101.

Water Main Break 6.2.21

June 2, 2021 – There was a water main break on West Fourth Street. Five houses on West Fourth Street (from North Courtland Street to Oak Street) are under a boil water advisory until further notice. The boil water advisory only affects those few houses on West Fourth Street, and written notices have been hand-delivered to the affected addresses.

If you live in the outlying areas, you may be affected by dirty water and/or low water pressure. You can let your water run for a few minutes, which should clear up the water. If you continue to have issues, please contact our office at 570-421-8300.

For updates on this and any other borough news, please sign up for CODE RED or SAVVY CITIZEN alerts. There is a link on our home page, or call Becky at 570-421-8300 ext 101.

Water Main Break 6.2.21

June 2, 2021 – There was a water main break on West Fourth Street. Five houses on West Fourth Street (from North Courtland Street to Oak Street) are under a boil water advisory until further notice. The boil water advisory only affects those few houses on West Fourth Street, and written notices have been hand-delivered to the affected addresses.

If you live in the outlying areas, you may be affected by dirty water and/or low water pressure. You can let your water run for a few minutes, which should clear up the water. If you continue to have issues, please contact our office at 570-421-8300.

For updates on this and any other borough news, please sign up for CODE RED or SAVVY CITIZEN alerts. There is a link on our home page, or call Becky at 570-421-8300 ext 101.

Madden: Solitary Confinement is Torture

Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden joined several colleagues and former incarcerated people who experienced and survived solitary confinement for a press event promoting changes to this cruel and inhumane practice in our prison system.

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Spurgeon: Danger of SOS – Same old Stuff

How strangely sad it is that some, knowing so much, practise so little. I am afraid that some of you know the gospel so well that for this very reason it has lost much of its power with you, for it is as well-known as a thrice-told tale. If you heard it for the first time, its very novelty would strike you, but such interest you cannot now feel. It is said of Whitefield’s preaching that one reason for its great success was that he preached the gospel to people who had never heard it before. The gospel was to the masses of England in Whitefield’s day very much a new thing. The gospel had been either expunged from the church of England and from Dissenters’ pulpits, or, where it remained, it was with the few within the church and was unknown to the masses outside. The simple gospel of ‘believe and live’ was so great a novelty, that when Whitefield stood up in the fields to preach to his tens of thousands, they heard the gospel as if it were a new revelation fresh from the skies.

Spurgeon: King Jesus

Some of the worst of tyrants have delighted to call themselves kings by divine right, emperors by the will of God, monarchs by the grace of God, and the like. It may be so; I doubt not that many of earth’s tyrants require much grace, lest their crimes should bring them to speedy ruin; and doubtless it is sometimes the will of God to inflict great scourges upon guilty nations; but, my brethren, Jesus Christ is no despotic claimant of divine right, but he is really and truly the Lord’s Anointed! ‘For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell’. God has given to him all power and authority. As the Son of man, he is now head over all things to his church, and he reigns over heaven, earth and hell with the keys of life and death at his girdle; ‘and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.’ We recognise him as King by divine right.

Madden Reflects on George Floyd's Legacy

On the one-year anniversary of George Floyd's death, Pa. state Rep. Maureen Madden reflects on his murder and how it has crushed the blue wall of silence, likely leading to much needed police reform across America.

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