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Teachers set for retirement at SJHS

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Mountaineer would like to congratulate the following  teachers in fulfilling their teaching careers and welcome them into retirement!  Mr. Snuffer, Mrs. Thornhill, Mr. Maurer, and Mrs. London are all retiring!

Each of the teachers retiring wrote a small portion of their teaching career and their most enjoyable parts.

Mr. Maurer – “I grew up just outside Reading, PA and went to Millersville University. This is my 33rd teaching (27yrs at Stroudsburg)  I have taught (Tech. Ed. and US History) at the middle school, jr. high and high school during my teaching career.”

Mr. Snuffer- “Teaching has been a wonderful experience for me over the past 34 years. The staff throughout the district are a dedicated group of professionals who work hard to direct students toward a productive, happier and healthier life. I’m going to miss the kids and my colleagues but I will not miss the 5:15 alarm and the paperwork. Students, appreciate your teachers. Staff, nurture your students. Everyone, appreciate what is before you.”

Mrs. Thornhill- “I started my teaching career in Mt. Sanaii School District, located on the North Shore of Long Island. I then moved to Vernon, NJ where I taught for 17 years. After moving to PA I began working for Stroudsburg and have been here for the past 17 years. I worked most of those years in the HS, and am finishing up my teaching career in the JH. I love teaching. I enjoy working with students the most and paperwork least! I will miss the students and my colleagues most. I will  not miss the paperwork at all :)”

Mrs. London- “It seems like I have always been in Stroudsburg. I graduated from Stroudsburg High School in 1983. After that, I attended East Stroudsburg University. I graduated in 1993. In 1994, I returned to Stroudsburg High School as a special education teacher.  I stayed at the high school until the junior high opened up in 1999. While at the junior high, I taught reading, both in a learning support setting and a regular education setting. I have been teaching for 30 years. During this time, I have enjoyed seeing students transform into adults.  I love it when I see my past students in public so I can learn about what they have been doing.  It is also fun to have students in my class whose parents I taught.  I will miss being a part of the junior high, it feels like a family here and there are so many wonderful people. I will also miss helping students. It is very rewarding to see my students’ reading improve during the school year.  After retiring, I look forward to having more time to spend with my family. I also have 4 dogs that won’t have to give me sad looks every morning when I leave for school.”

Lets all say good bye to these wonderful teachers that were able to teach us before they went into retirement!