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Stroudsburg Connection to President Lincoln - President's Day

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Many people are enjoying President's day with an extra day off, but as news 13's Ameenah Thompson tells us Stroudsburg has a very unique connection to one of our greatest presidents.

Marie many people may not know but buried right here in Stroudsburg cemetery is the man who had the honor to serve in the military for Abraham Lincoln when he became our 16th president.

John Abel with Monroe County Historical association says,"John Summerfield Staples who occupied probably the most unique position in the military in military history he was a representative recruit for Abraham Lincoln during the civil war."

It all happened after Lincoln created a program for those who couldn't serve to find their own replacements...Lincoln sent provost marshal Nobel Warner to find his.

Abel says,"He saw John Summerfield who was barrel chested a very healthy looking young man he went to him he introduced himself he explained the program and he asked Summerfield if he would be interested if he would serve in that capacity."

After service in 1865 summerfield went to work with his father and later started a family but after his second wife passed he came back to Stroudsburg with his children.

"On January 8th he went back to Dover and then he died on the 11th a heart attack in his boarding house", says Abel.

Abel tells us Summerfield was actually born right here on Main and eight street in Stroudsburg.

Michael Smyth says, "It's an amazing fact that the replacement for Abraham Lincoln was born here its a small little town its great to know that it played such an important role in a pivotal moment in history."

A little piece of historical trivia that not so trivial to people here in Stroudsburg at all.

East Stroudsburg resident Andre says, "That is a beautiful thing just to know I think you guys should get out more and let people know that because I didn't know that."

Stroudsburg has found many ways to honor Summerfield throughout the area like the bridge on west Main Street.

"And I crossed that bridge everyday to go to work because I work right here and I didn't know that and it's a beautiful thing to know", says Andre.

Summerfield died at the early age of 43 and his funeral service was held right here at Stroudsburg United Methodist church and his final resting place is at Stroudsburg cemetery. Ameenah Thompson in Monroe County for News 13.