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SHS Girls’ Volleyball Team Welcomes a New Head Coach

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Brittany Hewitt, the new head coach of varsity, joined the Stroudsburg family this past June.

Hewitt graduated as a Stroudsburg alumni in 2016 and went on to Graduate from East Stroudsburg University (ESU). On top of coaching here, Coach Hewitt is currently the head coach of Pocono Mountain West’s boys’ volleyball team and the coach of a volleyball club team called East Coast Power in Allentown.

Having 11 years of experience under her belt she is more than qualified.

Hewitt says, “the time that we spend off the court” is her favorite part about the team. “We are really a sociable, nature-loving, amazing group. The girls are very open to fun, getting out of their comfort zones, and experiencing new things. Having that time with them allows me to understand the flow of the team energetically, and that puts me in a position to help them on the court and with any mental health challenges.”

External Validation is not real so do not search for it in peoples, places, and things, you create your destiny. Being the best version of you should be your daily task.”

— Coach Hewitt

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Assistant Coach Sarah Buzzard moved up from coaching the Stroudsburg Middle School Volleyball team to the High Schools Junior Varsity team this year as well.

Hewitt held open gyms throughout June, July, and right up to preseason tryouts in August. Any volleyball hopeful should reach out to and check for any information regarding the 2024-2025 season in the New Year.

Hewitt’s varsity team, a roster of 23 girls, has their annual Dig Pink game, against breast cancer, and senior night on October 4th at 5:15 pm versus East Stroudsburg South. Make sure to come out and support the team!