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Eastburg 2025 – A Plan for the Borough’s future

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Eastburg 2025 Comp Plan has been approved!
Click here to view the adopted plan.

Comprehensive plans are a community’s opportunity to evaluate various facets of their municipality—jobs, housing, transportation, environment, etc.—and identify adjustments needed to ensure the community remains a desirable place to live and work over the decades to come. (Click here) for a fact sheet about the planning effort.

More than 100 people came to the Open House on Monday June 5 to see and hear about the recommendations that the Task Force and planning team have developed.

You can view the Handout and the Poster Presentation. The Task Force and planning team are interested in your feedback through June 23.

1. Which recommendation(s) are most likely to improve the community over the long term? Why.

2. Which recommendation(s) are you most hesitant to support? Why.

3. Were any critical issues missed? What is the issue and how do you feel it should be addressed?

4. Which one recommendation would you consider supporting with your personal or professional time, skills, knowledge or other resources?

Send your feedback by email or use our survey form.

What’s Next?

The Task Force will review your feedback by mid summer and select first projects to recommend for 2018.

The draft plan will be posted here by August 1st for advance review before the formal review process occurs this fall.

Community Engagement in the Plan Update

The Borough has appointed a Comprehensive Plan Task Force to represent the community in discussions with the planning consultant team. Task Force members are listed below. Offer your suggestions for making East Stroudsburg a great place to live, work, shop, dine and play to any one of the members.

  • Andi McClanahan, Borough Planning Commission
  • Craig Todd, Citizen Stakeholder
  • Armand Martinelli, Borough Mayor
  • Eric Koopman, Monroe County Planning Commission
  • Jesse McCarter, Citizen Stakeholder
  • Peter Marshall, Interim Borough Manager
  • Lisa VanWhy, Citizen Stakeholder/ESASD
  • Marv Walton, Borough Zoning & Codes Officer
  • Melanie Frassinelli, Citizen Stakeholder/ECA
  • Miguel Barbosa, ESU
  • Nicole Murray, Pocono Mt. Assoc. of Realtors
  • Roger DeLarco, Borough Council President
  • Sonia Wolbert, Borough Council Representative
  • Steve Cunningham, Pocono Medical Center Representative
  • Troy Nauman, Business Stakeholder
  • Victor Brozusky, Planning Commission

Project Contacts

Borough Contact: Marv Walton, Zoning and Codes Officer, 570- 421-8300

Consultant Contact: Michelle Brummer,, 717-649-3165