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9/11 Remembrance at Elk Lodge

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Every year now people all over the country find a way to honor those who lost their lives on that tragic day. News 13's Ameenah Thompson attended a ceremony in East Stroudsburg and has more.

Kelley says, "Today we're having a 911 memorial ceremony with the Monroe County joint veterans honor guard."

Kelly Kelley exalted ruler here at elk lodge tells us this is just one of their ways to honor everyone who didn't make it back home twenty-two years ago...

Kelly Kelley says, "We do this event every year on 9/11 since 2002 and it is just to honor all the all the people that passed away in 9/ll and we read off their names one by one and the honor guard does a beautiful ceremony for them in remembrance."

She says among the fatalities that day there were three hundred forty-three firefighters, seventy-two law enforcement officers and fifty-five military personnel.

"Michael Andrew Bain 33 Darlene Pennsylvania World Trade center."

Albert Compoly veteran and commander of the Monroe County joint veterans honor guard tells us he feels like people are starting to forget about the day after seeing a small turnout for today's ceremony.

Albert Comploy says, "I think it's very important as we get further and further away from 9-11 I think people begin to forget and they don't realize what the country was going through at the time and I think ceremonies are getting less and less and I think I'm not sure but I think this is the only ceremony in Monroe County that we're doing."

He says even the smallest act of service or kindness is a way to honor those we lost.. a way to reclaim that spirit of unity in our country that followed in response of the events taken place on 9/11.

Comploy says, "So I think it's very important to continue to have ceremonies like that and remember what happened on that day."

Kelley says, "This is the beginning of our Elk's Patriot week so this is what we start with and we'll continue through the week to do different honoring."

Ameenah Thompson in East Stroudsburg for News 13.