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Throughout the Bible, water serves as a profound symbol, representing God's initiation and incorporation of individuals into the eternal kingdom of God. Notably, the Israelites' exodus across the Red Sea, the priests' ritual handwashing prior to Temple ceremonies, John the Baptist's call to repentance at the Jordan River, and Jesus's invitation to Simon Peter to follow Him on the shores of Galilee all exemplify these moments. These instances provide individuals with new paths for establishing a profound connection with God. Similarly, Jesus's teachings by the water offer us an similar path to spiritual growth.
Join us at Pocono Plateau this October for a weekend of faith, fellowship, and recreation in the beautiful Pocono mountains. During our time together, we will study the sacred teachings of Jesus by the lake, focusing on His invitation to become a disciple, His unwavering trust in the face of adversity, His ability to quench our insatiable thirst, and His unconditional act of forgiveness and redemption. Through these experiences, we will cultivate a deeper embrace of the grace and love of Jesus, enabling us to nurture our faith and witness the transformative power of the Kingdom of God.
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