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Public Hearing on Noise Nuisances Ordinance

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LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Middle Smithfield Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on March 27, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. at the Middle Smithfield Township municipal building at 147 Municipal Drive, East Stroudsburg, PA 18302, to receive public comment and to consider and possibly adopt an ordinance, of which this notice is a summary, amending the Middle Smithfield Township Code of Ordinances by adding a new Article III, Noise Nuisances, to Chapter 136, Nuisances, establishing provisions prohibiting excessive noise from any source and providing for exceptions and penalties for the same. The title of the proposed ordinance is as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP, MONROE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE III, NOISE NUISANCES, TO CHAPTER 136, NUISANCES, PROHIBITING EXCESSIVE NOISE FROM ANY SOURCE UNLESS EXCEPTED HEREIN; DEFINING EXCESSIVE NOISE; AND PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS A copy of the full text of the above-referenced ordinance is available for review at the Township offices, the Monroe County Law Library, and the offices of this newspaper during normal business hours. All interested parties are invited to attend the above-referenced public hearing. MIDDLE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 147 Municipal Drive East Stroudsburg, PA 18302

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