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Jackson Township Zoning Hearing Board Public Hearing

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PUBLIC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that the Jackson Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, beginning at 5:00 P.M., at the Jackson Township Municipal Building, 2162 Route 715, P.O. Box 213, Reeders, Pennsylvania 18352. The purpose of the hearing is to consider the Appeal of Edgemont Terrace, LLC, from the Jackson Township Zoning Officer's determination of use of property in connection with the applications and preliminary plans filed by Edgemont Terrace, LLC, on May 4, 2023 with Jackson Township for preliminary plan approval consideration per the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. The Appeal cites Zoning Ordinance Sections 27-801.2 and 27-1602. Edgemont Terrace, LLC, asserts that its proposed use is Warehouse use and that use is permitted by right in the Industrial Zoning District in Jackson Township. The application relates to the following lands assigned the following parcel identification numbers and other descriptive information from the Monroe County assessment office: (1) 229 Possinger Drive Parcel No.: (Map #08636200427908) - Zoning: I (2) 335 Possinger Drive Parcel No.: (Map#08636200732602) - Zoning: I (3) 1210 Sacher Lane Parcel No.: (Map#08636200537787) - Zoning: I (4) T 485 Parcel No.: (Map#08636200537787B2) - Zoning: I (5) T 485 Parcel No.: (Map#08636200639798) - Zoning: I (6) T 485 Parcel No.: (Map#08636200637793) - Zoning: I (7) T 485 Parcel No.: (Map#08636200434180) - Zoning: I BCM International, Inc. is the owner of record of the properties. The properties are located in the Industrial (I) Zoning District. The complete application to the Zoning Hearing Board is available for inspection (without charge) or copying (for a charge not exceeding actual copying costs) at the Township's office at the address listed above during regular business hours. Anyone may attend the hearing and those who are affected and have legal standing may participate in the proceedings. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate, please contact the Township at (570) 629-0153 at least one day in advance. CRAMER, SWETZ, McMANUS, JORDAN & SAYLOR, P.C. By: F. Andrew Wolf, Esquire 711 Sarah Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Jackson Township Zoning Hearing Board Alternate Solicitors

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