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What's New East Stroudsburg Back to School Prep

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As the new school year approaches East Stroudsburg school district is implementing something new. They're helping students get a jump start on their college education. As News 13's Ameenah Thompson tells us they're helping students get a jump start on their college education.

Matthew Trioli Principal here at East Stroudsburg says, "So what we're doing for our students this year is we're offering two programs one is dual credit, dual credit program is when you would take a class whether its through East Stroudsburg University or Northampton community college it would count towards they would get a college credit for it."

South principal triolo says it would go on their college transcripts and then on their high school transcript it would count towards one of their required electives.

Triolo says, "They'd get an AP weight for that dual credit class you could also take a dual enrollment class where it would still count towards one of your credits for your high school credits however you wouldn't get weighed for it."

He says they received a grant that will allow the district to fund some of the program.

Triolo says, "That will allow for us to fund this class up to 80% so families only have to pay 20% of the fee and we'll pay for their entire all their books and supplies for it."

School officials say the program will be for students in grades ten..eleven and twelve and currently they're about 10 to 15 students enrolled.

Triolo says,"If this is something that they want to do they want to reach out to their counselors like immediately."

The school district's communications director also tells us they're hiring with a focus on school bus drivers, instructional aids, food service workers and maintenance personnel.

Eric Forsyth director of communications says, "We're looking to continue to fully staff the school district we've been really driving hard to advertise for interview for and hire a number of support positions in the district."

Forsyth says registration will also continue to be accessible online.

Forsyth says, "It doesn't cost parents anything to register or caregivers to register students and they can do in as few as 20 minutes electronically if they have all of their documentation uploaded to our portal."