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Spurgeon: Jesus Only

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

I do desire for my fellow Christians and for myself, that more and more the great object of our thoughts, motives and acts may be ‘Jesus only.’ I believe that whenever our religion is most vital, it is most full of Christ. Moreover, when it is most practical, downright and common sense, it always gets nearest to Jesus. I can bear witness that whenever I am in deeps of sorrow, nothing will do for me but ‘Jesus only.’ I can rest in some degree in the externals of religion, its outward escarpments and bulwarks, when I am in health; but I retreat to the innermost citadel of our holy faith, namely, to the very heart of Christ, when my spirit is assailed by temptation, or besieged with sorrow and anguish. What is more, my witness is that whenever I have high spiritual enjoyments, rich, rare and celestial, they are always connected with ‘Jesus only’; other religious things may give some kind of joy, and joy that is healthy too, but the most sublime and divine of all joys must be found in ‘Jesus only.’ In short, I find if I want to labour much, I must live on ‘Jesus only’; if I desire to suffer patiently, I must feed on ‘Jesus only’; if I wish to wrestle with God successfully, I must plead ‘Jesus only’; if I aspire to conquer sin, I must use the blood of ‘Jesus only’; if I pant to learn the mysteries of heaven, I must seek the teachings of ‘Jesus only.’ I believe that anything which we add to Christ lowers our position, and that the more elevated our souls become, the more nearly like what they are to be when they shall enter into the region of the perfect, the more completely everything else will sink and die out; and Jesus, ‘Jesus only’, will be first and last, the Alpha and Omega of every thought of head and pulse of heart. May it be so with every Christian!

(C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 3), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2005), 101.)