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Weaver: Update on GOVERNOR’S EMERGENCY Order and Mask Mandate

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Hello Pastors and Church Leaders,

I’m sure many of you are in the midst of summer activities and programs. Although COVID changed many of our plans over the past year it’s encouraging to see some annual events like missions trips, youth camps, and VBS programs slowly coming back. Our world needs to hear the gospel of Christ Jesus during these tumultuous times. 

We have a few briefing items for you all:

1. PA Governor’s Emergency Order Ends: Even though Churches and Houses of Worship have been consistently exempt from the Governor’s Emergency Order, we did want you to be informed that the Emergency Order has come to an end through the recent Constitutional Amendment vote and the subsequent legislative vote earlier in the month. This means that gathering restrictions and other executive restrictions have now been lifted. 

2. PA Face Covering Mandate Order Ends: The acting PA Secretary of Health Allison Beam recently stated, “After reviewing the vaccination data for people 18 and over and discussing it with the COVID-19 Vaccine Legislative Task Force, we have determined that the commonwealth’s mask order can be lifted on June 28 or when 70 percent of adults get their second dose, whichever comes first.” Click here to read more. 

3. Fulton SCOTUS Case Win: Good news for gospel advancement, religious liberty, and needy kids! Yesterday, SCOTUS in a 9-0 ruling ruled in favor of Catholic Social Services and their foster care and adoption ministry in Philadelphia. 

Randall Wenger, Chief Counsel of Pennsylvania Family Institute and the Independence Law Center, made the following statement in response to the high court’s ruling: 

“We’re pleased with the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision that respects the religious liberty of Catholic Social Services (CSS) to continue to serve its historic mission and the children of Philadelphia. Yesterday’s decision will ultimately benefit needy children in Philadelphia, who can now get the compassionate and quality care that CSS provided until the harmful and discriminatory actions by Philadelphia city officials. 

The city of Philadelphia took its action against Catholic Social Services at a time when the need for foster parents was at a crisis level. We are grateful the Supreme Court is restoring opportunities for more parents and children in Philadelphia and beyond.” 

Thanks for all you do to advance the gospel in this world. May each of you experience God’s amazing grace and pleasure as you do the hard work of caring for your congregations.  

In Christ,

Kurt Weaver
Director of the Church Ambassador Netw