Cara Rogan is a man pretending to be a woman who is on the board of supervisors for Coolbaugh Township in PA. He harassed a lady at a pharmacy who was trying to pick up medicine and became aggressive after being called "sir."
Watch video here! Viewer Discretion Advised
"The Coolbaugh Township Board of Supervisors has been made aware of an incident that occurred on Friday, 02/28/2025, involving Supervisor Rogan, an elected Board member. The Board of Supervisors wants to reaffirm its zero-tolerance policy on harassment in any form for all of its employees and elected officials. The Board does not condone the behavior of Supervisor Rogan in the above-referenced incident and specifically condemns the same. The Supervisor was not acting on behalf of the Township at the time of the incident and the Board is extremely disappointed with the Supervisor’s actions. The Board of Supervisors recognizes the privilege and responsibility of those serving as public officials and does not agree with the actions of and/or statements made by Supervisor Rogan during the 02/28/2025 incident. The actions of the Supervisor involved in the incident do not reflect the position of the Township or the Board’s continued intent to serve in the best interests of the public. Although the above-referenced incident did not involve official Township business and occurred outside the scope of Supervisor Rogan’s capacity as a public official, the Township is currently reviewing the incident and appreciates the outreach and communication from community members. Please note that the Supervisor involved in the incident is an elected member of the Board of Supervisors and the Board is limited as to what it can do in response to the incident."