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Teacher Feature on Ms.Giordano

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

At which school in the district do you teach?
High School

What subject(s) do you teach?
I teach Biology

What grade(s) do you teach?
Mostly 10 but i have some 11,12 graders.

How long have you been teaching at SASD?
I have taught for 2 years both being here at Stroudsburg.

What is your favorite part about teaching?
Building student relationships.

If you could teach another subject what would it be and why?
I would probably do  Math i feel that there is a lot of room for group work and i love to do a lot of group work.

If you had gone into another profession, what would it be and why?
Oncologists, I still want to be able to help people and it still has ties to science.

What is one piece of advice you would share with your students?
Live in the moment have fun it will go quicker than you think.

If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
Superspeed i want to do as much as i can in one day.

How and when did you know teaching was what you wanted to do?
I have always known i would teach, as i kid i would line up all my stuffed animals teach them.

Who do you look up to?
I have always looked up to my mom she is one of the strongest people I know.

What is your favorite memory of teaching?
On my birthday last year all my students surprised me with balloons and snacks and it was so sweet!

What makes you smile?
Definitely my family and my boyfriend.

What is something your students have taught you?
To be patient!