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Teacher Feature on Ms. Lupu

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

At which school in the district do you teach?

I teach at Stroudsburg High School.


What subject(s) do you teach?

I teach Spanish 1 & 2


What grade(s) do you teach?

I teach all grade levels: 10-12


How long have you been teaching at SASD?

This is my second year here at Stroudsburg High School


What is your favorite part about teaching? 

My favorite part about teaching is interacting with the students, trying to expand their horizons to have a wider view of the world, as well as interacting with my fellow colleagues and the SASD staff. 


If you could teach another subject what would it be and why?

I would teach anatomy & physiology because the human body is fascinating and awareness of how it works might influence young people to make the right choices for their health


If you had gone into another profession, what would it be and why?

Medical doctor because preventing disease as well as helping others eliminate disease or improve their condition would have been very rewarding 


What is one piece of advice you would share with your students?

Remember, hard work beats talent, if talent is unorganized and unwilling to work hard. Organize your workspace, organize your thoughts, and be determined in your actions toward reaching your goals!


If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?

Time-traveling because it would be fun to explore living in different ages along the line of time – of course, only under the condition that I could return to the present time in a split second.


How and when did you know teaching was what you wanted to do?

I always enjoyed interacting with people of all ages and teaching gives me the opportunity to interact with young minds every day. It was a decision made in college. 


What is a joke you always keep in your pocket?

I don’t use jokes, I use humorous sarcasm which is context-dependent. 


Who do you look up to?

My mother


What will your life look like after you retire?

I love keeping myself busy, therefore I’ll probably be working on other projects upon retiring from teaching and I will definitely be traveling extensively. 


What is your favorite memory of teaching?

My favorite memory of teaching is from one year when my students were so motivated to get an A in my class, and worked very hard every day,  just so that I would take them all out for ice cream at the end of the school year. About 80% of them made it to the ice cream place based on a year’s worth of hard work.


What is something that most people may not know about you?

I speak 5 languages.


What is your proudest achievement?

One of my proudest achievements is running into students years after I taught them, seeing they are productive members of our community and hearing them say that I had a positive impact on them while they were in my class.


What is one thing you wish people knew about teaching/teachers in general?

I would like people to know that teachers are caring individuals who only wish the best for each student they teach.


What makes you smile?

A good stand-up comedy show. 


When you retire one day, what will you miss most about teaching?

Interacting with students. 


What is something your students have taught you?

Students showed me that sometimes acting silly and focusing are not mutually exclusive.