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Support Libraries: Contact Your Legislators!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Dear Library Patrons,

We want to inform you about a recent executive order that could impact the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), an essential federal agency that supports libraries across the nation.

This executive order directs a reduction in several government agencies, including IMLS. As a result, funding and resources that are crucial to libraries like ours may be affected.

We are committed to continuing to provide you with the best possible service, regardless of these potential changes. However, we need your help to ensure that libraries continue to receive the support they deserve.

We encourage you to contact your local legislator to express your support for IMLS and the vital role libraries play in communities. Your voice matters, and when legislators hear from constituents like you, they are more likely to take action that benefits us all.

Below, you will find a Library Advocacy 101 guide, which offers tips and suggestions for how you can effectively reach out to your legislators and make your voice heard.

You can find contact information for your legislator here.  Your advocacy can make a real difference in ensuring that libraries remain a strong resource for everyone.

Thank you for your continued support. We will keep you updated on this matter as more information becomes available.

Warm regards,

Cheryl Brice
Library Director

Click the image above to contact Senator John Fetterman about your concern for the future of our libraries!

You can also contact his office directly at the following:


7 North Wilkes-Barre Boulevard,
Suite 406
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
Phone: (570) 820-4088


    142 Russell Senate
Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4254

Click the image above to contact Senator Dave McCormick about your concern for the future of our libraries!

You can also contact his office directly at the following:


840 West Hamilton Street,
Suite 301
Allentown, PA, 18101
Phone: 610-782-9470


SD-B40C Dirksen Senate
Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6324

Representative Mackenzie serves:
Eldred, Polk and Ross 1.

Click the image above to contact Representative Ryan Mackenzie about your concern for the future of our libraries!

You can also contact his office directly at the following:


2151 Emrick Blvd, 
Suite 204
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Phone: (610) 333-1170


121 Cannon House
Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6411

Representative Bresnahan serves: Barrett, Chestnuthill, Coolbaugh, Hamilton, Jackson, Middle Smithfield, Paradise, Pocono, Price, Ross 2, Smithfield, Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock, Delaware Water Gap, East Stroudsburg, Mount Pocono and Stroudsburg.

Click the image above to contact Representative Rob Bresnahan about your concern for the future of our libraries!

You can also contact his office directly at the following:


2398 RT 611, Suite 101
Scotrun, PA 18355
Phone: (570) 534-6220


1133 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5546

Library Advocacy 101

Step 1: Identify Your Congressional Representatives

Visit and enter your home address. This tool will provide the names and contact information for your state’s two senators and your district’s House representative.

Step 2: Send a Message to One of Your Representatives

Each representative’s website features a simple form for submitting your opinion. Keep your message clear and concise, and take action today.

Step 3: Continue by Sending Another Message Every Few Weeks

Rotate between your representatives, sending a message every few weeks. Over the course of a year, this approach ensures your voice is heard multiple times with minimal effort.

Practical Tips:

  • Keep it brief. Representatives are more likely to read short messages.
  • Focus on one issue. Clearly state the bill, Executive Order, or topic you are addressing.
  • Be respectful. Rude messages are often disregarded.
  • Make it personal. Share why the issue matters to you in a single sentence.

Why Your Voice Matters:

It’s easy to feel like one message won’t make a difference, but congressional offices track constituent feedback and use it to shape their priorities. Every message you send helps amplify public sentiment.

Message Template:

Dear [Senator *** or Representative ***],

I am concerned about [insert bill, executive order, or issue here].

I am [against/for] it.

This is important to me because [insert a single sentence here].

Thank you for your service to our country.


[Your Name]

Making an Impact with Phone Calls:

If you prefer to call, visit 5 Calls to find contact details for your senators and representative. The site also provides scripts to help you confidently express your stance.

The post Support Libraries: Contact Your Legislators! appeared first on Eastern Monroe Public Library.

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