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Summer Highlights of Heritage Skills, Farm Animal Friends

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Pigs, Horses, & More Farm Animal Friends

Hello Folks, Aunt Eunice here. I am sorry it’s been a while since I have written to you. With July arriving, I have been busier than a farmer trying to catch a litter of rowdy piglets! Speaking of piglets, our sow Sweetie Pie had a litter of sixteen last month. Whew!! That is quite a large number as she only has the spigots to feed fourteen. She is a great mother though and all of them have thrived. Now that the babies are eating on their own and have grown a good amount the majority have found a home at another farm. Last week, our new heritage breed boar arrived at the farm. He was a bit shy about exiting the trailer into his new home, but with some coaxing (and food) he decided to enter the pig barn. Our sow Bertha was there to greet him and they have become good companions. We have named the boar Max and he is a fine fellow. It has been hard to get a good picture of him as he is in love with his mud wallow so that is where you can find him most of the time. Max is a Gloucester Old Spot breed. The new draft horses Jenny and Judy have settled in nicely as well. They did not come to us as a team, but they are working very well together. They are so similar in appearance that they seem like sisters. They are both Suffolk Punches. The other animals are all doing well and there are plenty of them for visitors to see. 

Programming Adapted to the Times

Our COVID-19 adapted tours are going well and folks can safely visit and learn about various chores and tasks done on the homestead in the 19th century. Last week was a very busy one with several extra demonstrations. There was a pottery highlight, a Spinning and Weaving Day, a Bread Baking Highlight, oats being harvested, and Saturday was Music in the Valley. Several musicians came out to the farm and played traditional music on dulcimers, fiddles and banjos. We appreciated the sharing of stories about music development in the United States along with their talent at playing many classic tunes. We even had a very entertaining puppet show. It was a great day.

This week will be another busy one with a Rye Straw Craft Day on Tuesday, Split Oak Basketry along with Quilting on Wednesday, Paper Crafts on Thursday and on Friday evening 7/24 a special fundraiser, an Ice Cream & Art Twilight Tour where folks can create some art work, enjoy homemade ice cream, and visit two tour stops on the farm for special presentations. Call the office for more information or to sign up, but hurry.

July has been plenty busy and August looks to be the same. I hope you will have an opportunity to come visit us. You will have fun and most likely learn something new. Nothing better than having fun while learning! Well, that’s all for now folks. I hope you are staying healthy. Take care of each other. Thank you and see you soon. Aunt Eunice