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Student Spotlight on Krista Davis

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Where are you from?


I’m from a little bit of everywhere but my family came from Puerto Rico


Do you speak any other languages than English?


Another language I know is sign language


What’s something people don’t worry about but really should?


People don’t worry about world hunger and take the food they have for granted. I don’t waste food no matter the taste because I know there are kids of all our ages out there not eating anything.


How do you judge a person?


I judge a person off on how they present themselves and how they treat others.



Which countries/places would you like to visit?


I want to visit Bora Bora and Puerto Rico because that is my heritage I also am Native American so I would like to go to Indian reservations.


What is unique about your personality?


Things unique about my personality are I stick up for anyone no matter what because everyone needs someone in their corner. I also listen to everyone bc sometimes you just need someone to talk to.


Who are your favorite teachers and why?


My favorite teacher since my Sophomore year has been Mr. Pfeiffer he has helped me with his class and I had a 114. He’s a class I will never forget.


What is the most important lesson you have learned?


The most important lesson I have learned was if you get knocked down 9 times you will stand up 10 this has stuck with me my whole life through thick and thin


What’s something people worry about but really shouldn’t?


People worry too much about what people think about them. In 10 years none of that will matter. Worry about what you think of yourself.


What are your plans after high school?


My plans after high school are to either take a gap year or go straight to online college to be a lawyer or go into the forensic field.