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Student Spotlight on Gabriela Thompson

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

What is one fun fact about yourself?

I’m half Dominican and Jamaican.


What activities or hobbies do you enjoy out of school?

I enjoy playing the viola, I’m in the Color Guard, and I enjoy playing video games when I’m not doing either of those.


How do you judge a person?

I judge a person by how they act with other people, and by their personality. If they’re kind and respectful to others, I would reciprocate that energy, and vice-versa.


What are your future plans after high school?

I plan on taking a gap year to become a CNA, then I will most likely attend a 4 or 2-year college to become a Physician Assistant.


What social stigma does society need to get over?

I believe society needs to get over the stigma of how neurodivergent people act in general ex; Autism, ADHD, etc. Many people assume someone who has autism is not intelligent or dumb, when in fact we can be extremely intelligent in many areas.


Which countries/places would you like to visit?


I would like to visit Jamaica because I would like to get to see my dad’s side of the family. I would also like to visit California, Disney World, Paris, Bora Bora, and basically any tropical area. I wouldn’t mind going to any country, because I love traveling.


What is unique about your personality?

I can be shy when you first meet me, but as you get to know me I’m a very funny and outgoing person!


What is your greatest strength?

My greatest strength is definitely the fact that I am very resilient, and I never give up on any task that I need to do.


What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

My greatest accomplishment so far has been getting the top 10% in my class.


Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Stroudsburg.


What’s something people don’t worry about but really should?

People’s mental health. I believe we as a collective need to start caring about other people’s mental state. Depression, anxiety, etc isn’t an obvious illness. Someone could be very happy on the outside, but on the inside, they’re struggling. Always be kind to others, because you never really know what someone’s going through in their life.

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