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Student Spotlight on Catharine Brinker

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

What are your future plans after high school?

I plan to go to a 4-year University to major in biology (with a little bit of pressure to attend Penn State) Continuing on with the intention of becoming a pediatric surgeon.


What activities or hobbies do you enjoy out of school?

I enjoy doing cross-country, track and field, skiing, water skiing, jet skiing, and cliff jumping. I also love going to Penn State football games with my brothers, babysitting, and spending time with my two little dogs.


What is your passion in life? 

My passion in life is to inspire children who have obstacles and help them overcome them by being a future pediatric surgeon.


What is your greatest strength?

Knowing when something is not working for me and learning to move on to something else. I did this when I did not return to field hockey and moved on to cross country.


When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?

When I am old, my children will probably ask how it was growing up with my twin brothers.


Which countries/places would you like to visit?

I would love to go to Iceland.


What was your favorite class in SHS?

AP Biology because Mr. Bruski makes every class entertaining.


What movie/show could you never get tired of watching?

The Hunger Games series


What is unique about your personality?

I never give up. No matter the situation, whether it’s getting my injury during the season this year or academics, I never do.

What is the most important lesson you have learned?

I learned in 2nd grade that moving outside of my comfort zone and talking to other people wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

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