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SHS says goodbye to one of its favorite history teachers

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Multiple teacher resignations were made official in the most recent school board meeting.

Ms. Jennifer Lobasso, a history teacher here at Stroudsburg High School, was one of the few who had their resignations made official. Spending many years here at Stroudsburg High School, she taught AP U.S. History and many other social studies courses. Lobasso plans to move to a school district that will shorten her commute.

A new history teacher will be moving in shortly into her position as well.

The school board also approved a new club and will be coming to SHS shortly.

“The Sub”, a regular substitute known for his magic tricks, will be advising a new club. Magic Club is being started and offered to high school students. More info will be shared throughout the year.

Finally, a brand new Keystone Testing schedule was approved for this January.

The 3rd, 4th, and 5th of January will be used as days to do Keystone Testing for any student who may need to take one or more of the exams. Any student who does not need to take those exams will either attend synchronously or asynchronously.

Students return to school on January 3rd, so it may be treated as an “extended break” for some.