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SHS introduces Future Educators of America club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a great teacher?

Stroudsburg High School has started a new club, Future Educators of America. This club welcomes anyone who wants to learn the basics of being a teacher. The advisors of this club include guidance counselor Mr. William Kunkel and Morey Elementary teacher Ms. Christine Wickenheiser. 

Future Educators of America gives high school students a behind-the-scenes look at being a teacher. Making lesson plans, outlining student-teacher relationships, monitoring social media presence, and demonstrating how to teach a lesson are all part of the experience.

The Future Educators Club will give our students experience and opportunity to explore a career in education.  It will hopefully allow them to solidify their future career path and possibly give them the chance to begin working towards that while still in high school.

— Kunkel, guidance counselor

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Teachers play an important role in student’s lives. The club will shed light on how far teachers, guidance counselors, administrators, and superintendents go to educate students and help them. They help students feel safe and comfortable which makes the student-teacher relationship stronger.

The club plans to have students engage in a teaching simulation that shows the challenges teachers face, such as classroom concerns, student behaviors, or dealing with parents. This hands-on experience allows students to learn about teaching from a different point of view.

Being a part of this program means being held to a higher standard. Professional behavior is expected from these young ambitious students. 

The first meeting was held on November 9th after school. Teachers and students were happy and excited to see how the rest of the year plays out!

For more information, contact Mr. Kunkel at or join the Google Classroom with the code: mvufjaq   


IMG_9504 Gallery • 2 Photos Cami Trauschke Future Educator: Ms. Onody and her student teacher.