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Public Notice: 03/16/2025 [727226abdbb7d7d25e11941fe6378780]

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Submitted by public.notices on
Sun, 16 Mar 2025 00:00:00

Public Notice Sealed bids will be publicly opened and read by the Board of Supervisors of Stroud Township at their regular meeting scheduled to be held at the Stroud Township Municipal Center, 1211 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 7:00 PM for the purchase of the following, to wit: 50,916 square yards, more or less, FB-3 Wearing Course, 60 LBS Depth Leveling Course applied complete in place, 50,916 square yards, more or less, FB-3 1 ½” Wearing Coarse, 150 LBS Depth, SRL-L applied complete in place, 50,916 square yards, more or less, Bituminous Seal Coat with CRS2-P and ¼ inch AS-2 <1.2%, 50,916 square yards, more or less, Polymer Modified Fog Seal; 4,495 LF 4-inch double yellow center line and 8,996 LF 4-inch white edge line, more or less, as directed by Township. Bidders shall supply all labor, materials, and equipment, including, but not limited to, sweeping, cutting of paving notches, joint sealing, and traffic control. All materials and work shall conform to PennDOT specifications and standards as provided in Publication 408 and other applicable PennDOT publications. Contractors shall be PennDOT pre-qualified; Pennsylvania Prevailing Wages apply. Bid award shall be for all materials and work under one contract. Bid documents/full specifications can be obtained at Stroud Township Municipal Office. The Township Manager shall receive all bids by 2:00 PM, Tuesday, April 1, 2025. Bids received after the deadline will not be accepted or considered. All bids shall be submitted on forms provided by the Township and returned in a sealed envelope clearly marked “2025 ROAD PAVING BID”. All work is to be completed by August 16, 2025. Each bid must be accompanied by a proposal security in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the amount bid in the form of a certified check, bank cashier’s check, or satisfactory bid bond naming as payee the Township of Stroud. No bid or proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the date specified above for receiving, opening, or reading of bids. The successful bidder shall furnish a performance and payment bond in the amount of one hundred (100%) percent of the amount of the bid, naming as payee the Township of Stroud. The Stroud Township Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts thereof, and to waive any defects or irregularities in the proposals. The Board reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and to reject any proposal deemed not to be in the best interest of the Township. Stroud Township Board of Supervisors Publish Dates: 3-16-2025 and 3-19-2025

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