NOTICE TO BIDDERS SEALED PROPOSALS will be accepted by the Jackson Township Board of Supervisors until 3:00 PM on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at the Jackson Township Municipal Building, 2162 Route 715, Reeders, PA 18352 for the following: 91,669 S.Y. Single Bituminous Seal Coat All materials must meet PennDOT Pub. 408 Specifications and Standards. Bidders need to be PennDOT prequalified and must supply proof of prequalification. Proposals must be on forms provided by the Township. Proposals should be marked “2025 Seal Coat Bid Proposal”. Proposal forms, specifications, and bid information can be obtained at the Jackson Township Municipal Building at the above address or by calling Renee Miller, Secretary, at 570-629-0153. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the bid made payable to Jackson Township. The successful bidder will be required to provide a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price within 20 days of the award of the contract. PA Prevailing Wages will not apply to this contract. All proposals will be opened and read at approximately 6:30 PM, on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at the Township Municipal Building and pending review awarded at the April 3, 2025, regularly scheduled Township Meeting at approximately 6:30 PM, or as soon thereafter as the agenda allows. The Jackson Township Board of Supervisors reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals or portions thereof, and to delete sections or portions of the project depending on budgetary constraints and also to waive any technicalities deemed to be in the best interest of the Township. Jackson Township Board of Supervisors Renee Miller, Secretary 2162 Route 715 Reeders, PA 18352
Public Notice: 03/10/2025 [a414ca2bb7c4f252877e06f43f5a94b1]
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Mon, 10 Mar 2025 00:00:00
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