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Public Notice: 02/26/2025 [d20607fa68ecb23a2583bfca22d3f4cf]

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Submitted by public.notices on
Wed, 26 Feb 2025 00:00:00

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Zoning Hearing Board of Stroud Township will conduct a Public Hearing at the Stroud Township Municipal Building, 1211 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 6:30 pm to consider the following: ZHB #25-03 Applicant Paul and Betty Mansour of 701 Hammond Lane, Stroudsburg, PA 18360. Applicants seek a dimensional variance to §27-607 Non-conformances, Subparagraph 3 limiting the extent of the alteration, reconstruction or enlargement of the non-conforming structure to no more than 100% of the structure on the effective date of the original Zoning Ordinance. A portion of the existing accessory structure lies in front of the principal structure, between the principal structure and a street contrary to § 27-5081. B. (1) (d). The structure in question is a 26 ft. by 24 ft. open-air shed roof extension to an existing garage at 701 Hammond Lane, Stroud Township. The proposed extension continues a 29 ft. setback to the nearest common property line and extends an existing non-conforming structure 16 ft. from the Chipperfield Drive property line. The property is zoned R-1. The property is located at the southeasterly corner of the junction of Chipperfield Drive and Hammond Lane, Monroe County Parcel Tax Map No. ZHB #25-04 Applicant Hayward Business Park LLC of 440 Sylvan Avenue, Suite 100, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632. Applicant seeks two separate variances as follows: 1. Schedule 27-II Building Height for M-1 Limited Industrial Zoning District. Applicant seeks a dimensional variance from the maximum building height of 40 ft. to construct a 45.8 ft. building height for a newly proposed Limited Industrial building to accommodate “... the minimum 4-5 levels of racking and the aggregate palette storage volume required to commence operation of facility...” 2. Applicant seeks a variance from Schedule 27-II(e) requiring a minimum 5 ft. wide landscaped buffer strip along the property line pursuant to §27-602, Subsection 1C. The property in question is 1887 Paradise Trail (SR 447), presently vacant land, identified as Monroe County Parcel Tax Map No. and Monroe County PIN 17-73O2-03-42-9999. Any interested party may examine the plans and applications for these appeals during the hours of 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Stroud Township Municipal Building on business days. Any person with a disability and in need of special accommodation to allow participation at the public hearing should contact the Township Secretary at (570) 421-3362 at least 24 hours prior to the public hearing. BY ORDER OF: Joseph P. McDonald Jr., Esq., Solicitor STROUD TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD 1211 North Fifth Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360

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