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Owning wild animals is wrong

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Some people find keeping wild animals as pets exotic. However, the idea of it is not fully thought out.
Not only would they eventually hurt you or, possibly even others, but it’s also unethical. Spending thousands of dollars for wild animals to keep as pets shouldn’t be allowed.
Research isn’t usually done before the purchase of these animals are made. Tigers are one of the most popular wild animals that are kept as pets. Surprisingly, there are some wild animals you can keep as pets depending on what state you live in.
Some of them include anteaters, tigers, foxes, tarantulas, alligators, kangaroo, llama, cougars, and sometimes, even bears.
An animal being tamed doesn’t necessarily mean its domestic. A domesticated animal has purposely bred to live with humans.
In an article written by Terry Messmer, a wildlife specialist, she says, “Besides the harm that could occur to wild animals kept in homes, keeping wildlife pets poses great danger to humans.”
Even an expert doesn’t think it’s safe to keep “domesticated” animals as pets. There have been many cases in which these “pets” have attacked their owners.
On Feb. 16, 2009, Charla Nash was attacked by her pet chimpanzee. He had been already acting extremely erratically leading up to 878 to the day he attacked her.
She tried to fight him off, eventually she called the police to help her. Her injuries left her seriously disfigured. Some of these pets could have diseases that are dangerous to humans, and even other pets if they own several themselves.
Famous boxer Mike Tyson had owned three white tigers. One of them had unfortunately ripped off his neighbor’s arm.
During an Instagram live with rapper Fat Joe, Mike Tyson says, “Listen, when I saw what the tiger did to her … I had a lot of money back then so I gave her $250,000.” He even went on to say, “You know what I learned? I was foolish. There’s no way you’re going to domesticate these cats 100%.There’s no way that’s going to happen.”
Tyson learned that you cannot domestic wild animals, especially wild cats in these situations.
“I loved them, I used to sleep with them,” he said. “I’m just happy I educated myself, I know it was late. I shouldn’t have had them in my house. I was wrong.”
After 14 years of having his tigers, he donated them to a sanctuary because of the incident. He now has a pet poodle who he can play with without any risks for his safety or his life.
Like those tigers, these “pets” won’t know what’s right and wrong when you decide to play with them. They may just accidentally kill you due to their strength. One the other hand, some animals attack their human owners due to fear. Fear of what though, you may ask? They just have PTSD from being taken from their original habitats.
Freshman Lile Bekaia says this about potentially owning a wild animal,

“I wouldn’t because they’re dangerous and some of them might even try to kill you. Plus, they would probably take a lot of maintenance.”

Try putting yourself in the perspective of one of these animals.
Literally being taken from your own just to make someone else happy that they get to keep a cool exotic animal as a pet. Your owner may think you’re happy but deep inside they would be depressed, but you wouldn’t know.
It’s better to leave the animals alone and let them live in the wild, other than taking them from their homes and owning them like property.
Celebrities especially, purchase these animals to use as accessories, and I think people should not own wild animals.