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New law supports first responders with post-traumatic stress

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STROUD TOWNSHIP, MONROE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — A new law to go into effect this year in the Keystone State is aimed at helping first responders diagnosed with post-traumatic stress injury.

Grabbing gear and heading toward a building engulfed in flames or helping a person involved in a car crash in the dead of winter.

It’s a response that emergency crews don’t think twice about doing or the mental impact it will have on them afterward.

“I started at 14 years old in the fire service and at that age, you’re seeing things that most people never see.”

Stroud Township Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief David Smalley, along with other first responders in the Poconos, on how dealing with post-traumatic stress will now be made easier to seek help Thanks to a new state law.

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“It was taboo, you know you didn’t talk about the things you’ve seen, you just tried to block it out of your mind and go on with your daily life.”

Act 121, also known as Senate Bill 365, essentially redefines post-traumatic stress disorder as an injury.

“That covers sworn police officers, firefighters, both career and volunteer, and emergency medical service workers to be eligible for workers' compensation for post-traumatic stress-related issues that for anyone else would be a diagnosis and therapy visits, but for us that’s Tuesday,” says Austin Schrader.

It’s an act that this group says has been needed for decades as it helps address the issues of stress and burnout which can lead to substance abuse and higher rates of suicide among first responders.

“We just see the worst of the worst all the time and really it’s about time that we got some good solid help in dealing with this,” says Smalley.

Many are grateful for it being put to work for the next generation.

“It’s as important for me as it is for my son to learn good habits and also have the opportunity to take care of the cumulative effect of all the things they may see, we see on a regular basis,” says Mike Stettler.

Act 121 will go into effect on October 30th.

To learn more about the law amending PA’s workers’ compensation act, head here.

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