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More Than Just A Thanksgiving Meal

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Times may be tough, but a food assistance program is leaving struggling families in Monroe and Pike Counties feeling extremely thankful. We were at Jo’s Pantry in Smithfield Township today for its Thanksgiving meal distribution.

"Thank you so much! Happy Thanksgiving!"

Gratitude rang out loud and clear today at Light of the World Church in Minisink Hills. Vehicles lined up and wrapped around the parking lot for it’s Thanksgiving meal distribution at Jo’s Pantry. We’re told inflation has taken its toll.

East Stroudsburg Resident Lennox Flowers says, "Times are hard, job is hard, everything is hard, you know?"

Bartonsville Resident David Juskey says, "The economy is very bad right now. I’ve been out of work, not healthy, my wife is not healthy and this is everything for us."

As each driver pulls up, a frozen turkey and a bag with the fixings is loaded in the trunk.

But to those picking up, somehow it means more than just having food for the holiday to celebrate.

East Stroudsburg Resident Laura Rodriguez says, "It means a community coming together for the goodness of people at a time that we’re in where things are running crazy, it shows that there’s still so much good in the world. It really makes a big difference, these people are a blessing."

Usually they have 150 turkeys to give out but because of the tough economy, 100 more were added.

Jo's Pantry Director Ida Mathew says, "We purchased 250 turkeys from Giant and on Wednesday we gave out 125 in Pike County and today it will be Monroe County, 125 turkeys."

The director tells us it’s the most she’s ever purchased and she’s thanking the community for making it possible.

Mathew says, "Giant was very good, they gave us a discount on the turkey and also we get some United Way Grant that we used that, and also we do a little yard sale here, fundraising."

Jo’s pantry is also available to anyone in need the first Friday of every month from 9am till noon.

Juskey says, "We've been blessed with these people. We come here every month for the food. That woman is a Godsend."

Sharing blessings in Smithfield Township, Nicole Walters, News13.