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Monroe County Commissioner under investigation for improper election ballot submission

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Monroe County Election Ballot Issue

Stroudsburg, Monroe Co. — A Monroe County Commissioner is under investigation after allegedly submitting her husband’s election ballot improperly last October.

Josephine Ferro said she submitted a Freedom of Information request to check for mail in ballot box fraud. What she found on the video was Democrat Commissioner Sharon Laverdure submitting on two different days.

“Then she went to the ballot box, pulled out a ballot from her jacket and put it in the box. It was odd that she didn’t bring it right into the office," said Ferro. "She did the same exact thing on a second day.”

Pennsylvania does have laws allowing people to submit ballots for others but the dates for the submissions did not line up.

“You have to fill out the agent authorization form and bring that back to the voter registration office with a signed ballot. You can’t just throw that ballot in any ballot box that you choose," said Ferro.

Ferro gave FOX56 a notarized statement of facts following her discovery which she submitted to the county board of elections.

She says she brought it up to the County Election Director. The director, Sara May-Silfee, said she was approached by Laverdure after the FOIA request and was asked for the agent authorization form.

May-Silfee complied but reported it and told Ferro that county and outside attorneys became involved.

During an election board meeting on Wednesday, the commissioners said an internal investigation was held that was sent to the district attorney who sent the case to the attorney general.

FOX56 reached out to the director of elections and Laverdure who both said they were unable to comment.

The Monroe County Republican Committee says they hope a couple of things happen after the investigation concludes.

“Upon the investigation, it isn’t simply closed with no response, said committee member Janet Smith. "That we in Monroe County understand what was uncovered. And three, that the appropriate consequences occur.”