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Matt Long Challenges Rep. Madden's Consistent Votes Against Constituent Interests

Submitted by john.galt on
Matt Long for PA

By Janet C. Smith
Swiftwater, PA- On May 17th, Matt Long, the Republican candidate for State Representative, held a campaign event discussing his bid to win the 115th District. The event took place at desaki Restaurant in Swiftwater, where Matt Long was greeted by a large turnout of enthusiastic supporters.

Photo by MattlongforPA

Dignitaries in attendance included State Representative Doyle Heffley from the 122nd District, who emphasized the importance of defeating Representative Maureen Madden. Heffley highlighted that Rep. Madden voted in favor of giving Philadelphia tax relief but then voted against an amendment to expand the program to her constituents. Madden cast the deciding vote against providing Monroe County with a 50% property tax rebate of up to $1,000 (HB 1100 Heffley Amendment).

Left Rosemary Brown, Matt Long and State Rep. Doyle Heffley Photo by MattlongforPA

Keynote speaker State Senator Rosemary Brown officially endorsed Long for State Representative. She stressed the need for legislators to engage in dialogue to accomplish significant legislation.

Regarding Madden, Senator Brown stated, "There hasn’t been much done. The work ethic isn’t there. The extremism and the radical nature are real. She has not reached across the aisle, and pretty much refuses to reach across the aisle.”

Fraternal Order of Police President Jesse Van Order (left) and Secretary of Lodge Peter Petrosino (right)  Photo by MattlongforPA

Before Long spoke, the Fraternal Order of Police announced their endorsement of him in this race. After thanking the police for their support, Matt Long addressed the crowd, emphasizing the need to protect public safety officials. He noted that his opponent voted against a bill to prohibit the endangerment of public safety officials and enhance the penalty for assaulting police officers (HB 1546, which passed 158-39, with 47 Democrats voting in favor and Madden voting against).

Photo by

Long expressed his commitment to bipartisanship and working across the aisle to deliver long-awaited results for the people of Monroe County.

He discussed the necessity of protecting basic freedoms, including the First Amendment. He pointed out that his opponent was the only one in Harrisburg to vote against teachers' First Amendment rights in Senate Bill 84 (202-1).

Photo by

He also addressed the need for fair and full school funding to correct inequities that lead to high local taxes. He emphasized the need to protect girls in sports and prevent boys from accessing girls' locker rooms. Long stressed the importance of teaching biological and scientific facts in schools and ensuring kids learn the truth.

Additionally, he mentioned the need for border security and his plan to pressure the governor to send National Guard troops to the southern border.

Having worked on political campaigns throughout his life and studied Political Science at Washington and Jefferson College, Matt Long is excited to apply his expertise to get things done in Harrisburg. If elected, he plans to unite people to improve the quality of life in Monroe County.

Long expressed satisfaction with the event's turnout and readiness to take his campaign door to door.

Photo by MattlongforPA

Voters can get involved and learn more about Matt Long’s campaign at

They can also contact Matt directly at's-consistent-votes-against-constituent-int-p1787-206.htm


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