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Keeping track of time

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Time management is a very important part of people’s lives. Once you get older, you have to manage what time you have to get up, get ready, and leave the house so you’re able to be on time for your job.

 One tiny thing could make you late and get you fired, depending on if you can control it or not, such as traffic or just not wanting to get up yet. 

This is just one scenario where time management is important in everyone’s life. 

School is an opportunity to prepare for the future since you have to do the same thing just like a job. Some people may not care if they are late to their class or miss the bus but once you’re in the future, you’ll have to do some of those same activities. 

When you get a job or go to an important place where you’ll have to be on time. 

A lot of things that cause us to lose track of time could be something productive or not. 

Have you ever been on TikTok or just your phone for hours doing nothing else? 

I know I have and it happens almost every day.

Freshman Gabriela Acosta says about time management, “It starts with one swipe and a reminder that I’m only gonna be on social media for a few minutes but I end up going down the rabbit hole and watching for more than two hours at a time.”

Have you ever done a sport and practice just goes by so fast? These are prime examples of losing track of time between productive and not-so productive activities. 

One of them will impact your life for the best and the other may be the worst. Doing something that isn’t a good use of time, such as watching TikTok, is not good and it’s not helping anything. 

Sports are something that may help you get a scholarship in the future, you stay in shape, you are able to learn things, etc. You won’t be learning anything if you’re just wasting time. 

A lot of people say “They don’t have enough time to do things.” I have realized now that I’m getting older I’m just doing non-productive things that are not helping me for the future and what I am able to become. 

Freshman Agion Mainers says about time management, “Time management is very important. It can be a very useful tool in order to get things done.” 

A famous quote from Benjamin Franklin is “Time is money.” 

If you are able to waste time like it’s nothing, you’re wasting money that you are not able to contain and achieve now and in the future. They are also both very valuable and easy to waste.

Time management for me is something I want to maintain and find things that I love to do that will benefit me. I want to figure out a way to control my time instead of just throwing it away and spending most of my days on my phone. 

Time is a very hard thing to be able to understand and make time for other things that may just be as important. But once you’re able to understand it and realize what’s helping you more in the future you’ll be able to realize what you should and shouldn’t be doing.