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Help Volunteer Firefighters Fight Hunger

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Volunteer firefighters in Monroe County are answering the call to fight hunger.

You’re probably used to seeing firetrucks wherever flames are reported.

But the East Stroudsburg Fire Department is using its trucks in a different capacity with the assistance of a local grocery store.

Volunteering doesn’t just mean fighting fires for Acme Hose Company Number One. Despite already giving so much of their time to the community, East Stroudsburg Fire Department members are always looking for ways to lend a helping hand.

East Stroudsburg Fire Department Deputy Chief Joe Totero says, "The community sees us at times in their worst so we’re here to show them, even in times of no problems, we’re available for them. You know, they can come to us, ask us stuff, educate them on fire safety, we can do fundraising."

That’s why Deputy Chief Joe Totero immediately suggested a food drive for a local pantry when the store manager of the East Stroudsburg Weis approached him about a fire department fundraiser.

East Stroudsburg Weis Store Manager Jason Bonavoglia says, "Thanksgiving time we did a fundraiser. We stuffed a fire truck. We have hundreds of pounds of food donations given by our customers and our company for the local community."

Totero shows us the back door that was filled from floor to ceiling.  Now the firefighters and the store are teaming up again for Easter. But they’d like to fill two fire trucks for Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church of Smithfield’s Food Pantry.

Bonavoglia says, "We’re trying. We hope so. I reached out to some vendors to get some more donations, make it bigger and better every time."

To help the firefighters reach their goal, all you have to do is purchase an item while checking out and put it in the designated basket. We’re told you will truly make a difference.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Smithfield Pastor Deborah Staniszewski says, "Thanksgiving was a wonderful surprise. We were not aware that the fire department was going to be bringing the food until, I don’t know maybe a week before. So we had been praying and praying for our food pantry to be filled. It is a donation only food pantry."

Anyone in need can call the church for food. Currently their pantry is serving 40 families but on the holidays that number goes up to 60.

Staniszewski says, "In the last, I would say, several months, maybe last six months or so yes the numbers of folks coming to our food pantry have increased overall."

We’re told the offering is a blessing but the firefighters say they’re only answering their calling.

 Totero says, "We have the heart, we want to do good for everybody so this is one way we can do that."

Donations can be made to "Fill the Fire Truck" at the Weis Store in East Stroudsburg until March 23rd.