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Gay Straight Alliance club still stands

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) club was started at the high school by paraprofessional, Mr. Steven Rivera; English teacher, Ms.Shari Griswold, and former math teacher, Mr. Lynn Wentzel in the 2008-2009.

“I saw there was a need for a place where people can fit in, a safe environment, everyone needs a support group and that’s what GSA is, a place for people to discover who they are.”, says Rivera.

Rivera and paraprofessional Ms. Gina Cunningham currently run GSA. Cunningham participates in GSA because she sees the importance of students having a space where they feel safe and not so alone with what they feel.

GSA is a club full of memorable moments not only for the students in the club but the advisors of the club.

“So many kids were so lost, to watch the children evolve and watch them accept the people they are, to see them join the club in such a depressive state and leave in such a happy place and to see them now in college being very active in the community and achieve their dreams makes me very happy to be even a small part in that”, Rivera states. 

Likewise, a junior member in their second year in the club reflected, “It’s a place where we support each other, there’s no judgment, and you can learn about things you never understood. You can feel safe being yourself.”

Giving advice is another big part of the club with Rivera saying  “It is ok, it’s really ok, don’t try to live your life to please others or to fulfill their expectations. Learn to love and accept yourself and be the you- you were always meant to be”, says Rivera.

“Listen to your heart, don’t worry about social norms, do what is right for you,” states Cunningham. 

Remember, Rivera asserted, “GSA is open to everyone; we are the gay-straight alliance–meant for people to come together.  It is perfectly ok to be who you are.  You don’t owe anyone an explanation, be yourself”.

Meetings are held every Tuesday from 2:30-3:30 and all are welcome.

GSA+SHARI Gallery • 2 Photos Nyx O'Connor Mr.Steven Rivera and Ms.Shari Griswold, GSA founders and long-time advisers.