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Freshman Spotlight on Anthony Canongo

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Do you have any hobbies or activities you enjoy?

Okay so one of my favorite hobbies are to listen to music, and play my instruments. I also love to hang out with my best friend Delany. We are very close like family so I always have the most fun with her.

Do you have a favorite sport? Do you play it too? Why do you like it?

My favorite sport is Cheerleading (Im a cheerleader). I like it because I can do a lot of things like stunting. It also could be hard as I am the only boy cheerleader in Stroudsburg, but it helped me grow a lot more.

What’s your favorite movie (or show)?

My favorite show is Jersey Shore. Its such a good show.

How do you think you’ll feel in the High School?

I think I will feel great in highschool. My mental health is growing more positive each year, and Im just growing as a person each year in many great ways and gaining new friends along the way.

What is your favorite class at the Junior High School? Why?

My favorite class would be Band class. Mr. Pritchard really makes an effot to teach, and I appreciate that. Its also nice to walk into an easy class in 9th period, letting go of the stress from previous classes.

What’s your favorite quote?

“Fearlessness, drive. I hate lazy people. Stay in school, don’t you ever be lazy. Barbs, don’t you ever complain about hard work.” This inspires me to be rich and happy person when I become an adult.

Which places would you like to travel to someday and why?

I want to visit the Turks and Caicos. Its such a beautiful island, and the ocean is very pretty, and a very nice vacation place.

What is your most fond memory?

My most fond memory is when I was hanging out with my best friend Delany in the summer, and we had a lot of fun in the waterparks. We both enjoyed every moment of the sun hitting our skin, the water splashing everywhere, and especially, eating.

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