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ESU Graduate Students Present at Statewide Communication Conference

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Pennsylvania Communication Association

Two East Stroudsburg University graduate students studying communication presented their research at the 83rd Convention of the Pennsylvania Communication Association. The convention took place September 29-30 at Slippery Rock University.

Katie Coyne, of Lords Valley, Pa. and Shawna Campanaro, of Bangor, Pa. were a part of a panel discussion that featured the top graduate papers from a writing competition.

Coyne presented her paper titled “Metaphoric Rhetorical Analysis of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliott.” Campanaro presented her paper titled “The Ideological and Feminist Criticism of the Television Adaptation of the Handmaid’s Tale” in the panel. Both papers were written for Dr. Cem Zeytinoglu’s Rhetoric and Advocacy class. Both students’ papers were selected to the panel with several doctoral students from the state.

“I was ecstatic to get an offer to panel at the conference,” said Campanaro. “I enjoyed meeting with other graduate students and communication scholars at the conference,” Coyne added. This was Coyne’s second participation in a conference. She attended the 2023 Eastern Communication Association (ECA) convention last April in Baltimore. ECA is one of the oldest and largest conventions in the United States.

ESU’s Master of Arts degree in communication is designed for working professionals as well as recent bachelor’s degree graduates seeking to advance their careers or continue on for a doctorate. For more information, please contact graduate program coordinator Dr. Margaret Mullan by calling (570) 422-3136 or email