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ESU Faculty Discuss Trip Abroad to Ghana

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Ghana trip

Five members of East Stroudsburg University’s faculty and staff went to Ghana this summer on a ten-day study tour of edifices and legacies of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, colonialism, and its impact on Africa and the African Diaspora.

While there, they visited the Elmina and Cape Coast Slave Castles, the political science department at the University of Ghana and the Provost and the Deans of the College of Education University of Cape Coast, which is the third-largest university in the country and exclusively set up to train teachers. They discussed the possibility of establishing an exchange program between the faculty and students of the two universities.

They also visited the W.E.B. DuBois Center, the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, and toured the National Cultural Center.

The group from ESU also met with the Director of Diasporan Affairs at the Office of the Presidency; the Minister of Youth and Sports; Bisi Adjapon, the celebrated author of critically acclaimed novels including Daughter in Exile (Harper Collins 2023) and The Teller of Secrets (Harper Collins 2021); and other government officials and dignitaries.