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Christ Episcopal Church in Stroudsburg Needs Donations

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

They've gone from thirty families in march to serving over two hundred families this month... News 13's Ameenah Thompson says they can't keep operating without your help.

Debby Campbell says, "We're in need of any type of food item that you may think of. Every Saturday when we finish serving the cabinets are being empty what you took today was a restocking, sometimes it's astonishing that it can happen within three four hours in a day."

Debby Campbell assistant director volunteer at Christ Episcopal church in Stroudsburg tells us they especially need breakfast food for children, rice, condiments, canned meat but that's not all.

Campbell says, "You ask me what we need I tell you tooth paste tooth brushes soap you name it we need it."

Campbell says they anticipated an increase after snap covid payments ended.

Campbell says, "We didn't anticipate that the increase as of the last time we serves on September the 16, 17th that we would have 218 families that we serve."

She says on top of needing food and toiletry donations they need help building up their food pantry budget.

Campbell tells us, "This year we started with a budget in budget with the food pantry was nine thousand dollars we are now down to probably about three thousand dollars to last us to the rest of the year."

In order to stretch funds for the rest of the year they'll be doing a paint the town red event with all proceeds going back to the local food projects in Stroudsburg.

Campbell says, "For the holiday season that you can buy a bow a plain bow and it's all going to be displayed on Main Street or if you wanted to be monogrammed in honor of someone or in memory of someone its thirty-five dollars."

The pantry is located behind the Stroudsburg firehouse with hours from 10 a-m to noon on the first and third Saturday of every month and with the communities help they hope to keep shelves stocked, Ameenah Thompson for News 13.