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An Announcement

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

On Friday, July 26, 2024, the Board of Directors made an announcement that Pocono Arts Council will be closing September 30, 2024. The letter and further details can be found below.

Dear Friends,

It is with heavy hearts that we announce Pocono Arts Council will shut its doors September 30, 2024.

After much reflection, the Board of Directors believes dissolution to be in the best interest of the organization as it has been unable to support itself financially for many years. Acknowledging Pocono Arts Council’s long history, we recognize the weight of this decision and assure you we did not come to it lightly. Please know our remaining assets will be distributed in support of the arts in Monroe County. Details will be forthcoming.

We understand this announcement will raise questions and encourage you to review the information on our website or reach out to Executive Director, Darice Pauselius, via email at

Thank you for all you have done to support us over the years. We take comfort in knowing that Pocono Arts Council’s legacy will live on through you.

Board of Directors
Pocono Arts Council

Additional Information

This page will be updated as information becomes available. Thank you for your patience.

Why was this decision made? What were the contributing factors?

After careful review of Pocono Arts Council’s years in service, current and projected expenses, and the changing climate of philanthropy nationwide, we recognized that the organization as it currently functions is not sustainable.

Our income has remained stagnate for over a decade and expenses continue to steadily increase. The capacity of our board to increase fundraising, as well as the giving potential of the local community, is limited. While many have suggested more events and programs to increase revenue, we cannot ignore the resources required to provide these activities.

Why did this happen so suddenly?

The Board of Directors has been considering the future of Pocono Arts Council for quite some time. It is not a decision that we take lightly. During the monthly board meeting held July 16, 2024, the Board voted to dissolve the organization. We announced the decision as soon as deemed appropriate by legal counsel.

September 30 marks the end of our current fiscal year (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024). By closing on this date, we hope to preserve the majority of our financial assets so they can be distributed to support the arts in Monroe County. Details will be forthcoming.

Why didn’t the members vote on this matter?

Even though historically, Pocono Arts Counsil has provided certain rights to members, according to its Articles of Incorporation* (filed on September 2, 1977), Pocono Arts Council is not a Membership organization. As such, it is an organization governed by its Board of Directors. For purposes of compliance with its formation documents, and to promote efficiency and clarity it its decision-making process, it was decided to keep the decision regarding dissolution within the Board of Directors.

A special members meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2024, from 6-7pm via Zoom. Notice was sent to current members via US Mail. If you do not receive a notification by Monday, July 29, 2024, please email for details.

* According to Pennsylvania law, Articles of Incorporation are the founding documents of a nonprofit and supersede all other documents.

Would [money, volunteers, time, etc.] change the decision? How can I help?

We appreciate this question but without a solid foundation of significant and sustained financial support along with active participation, it is not feasible.

While we are a nonprofit, there are substantial expenses that need to be met to simply exist. We do not feel it is responsible to continue expending those baseline expenses for the level of programming we provide.

A major factor in the decision-making process was our desire to provide meaningful support to our community. It was decided that our assets would better serve our mission through financial support rather than events and gatherings – recognizing there are many wonderful arts organizations that support artistic expression, cultural community building, and arts education in the region.

What will happen to [program or event]?

Pick up for The 9th Annual Photography Exhibition is Tuesday, July 30th between 1-6pm at Pocono Arts Council (530 Main St., Stroudsburg). Pick up for Natural Light: Sun & Moon is Tuesday, July 30th between 11am-4pm at Brodhead Creek Heritage Center (1539 Cherry Lane Rd, East Stroudsburg).

Unfortunately, as a result of our upcoming closure, we must cancel future exhibitions that were planned to take place at 530 Main Street.

The upcoming Documentary Film Screenings (August – October), and Pocono State Craft Festival (August 24-25, 2024) will proceed as scheduled. These can be found on our calendar.

We will be sharing our program and event materials with community partners which will give them the opportunity to continue programming in our absence if in alignment with their missions.

What will happen to Pocono Arts Council’s financial assets?

We are working with legal counsel to prepare a distribution of financial assets in support of the arts in Monroe County as required by our Articles of Incorporation. Please check back for an update.

What will happen to Pocono Arts Council’s physical assets?

We will be distributing our physical assets to our friends and neighbors at local nonprofit organizations. Details to follow.

What will happen to Pocono Arts Council’s permanent art collection?

We are in contact with neighboring nonprofit organizations and will announce the collections’ new home when details are finalized.

Are there plans to restructure or reopen?

No. Pocono Arts Council will be closing permanently September 30, 2024.

Please remember Pocono Arts Council is one of many arts and culture organizations in the region. We encourage you to support the efforts of our friends and neighbors as patrons, donors, and advocates.

Where can I find resources and opportunities in the community?

We plan to keep resources available on our website for at least one (1) year.

Will the office / gallery be open through September 30, 2024?

Due to the amount of administrative work that needs to be completed before September 30th, we will only be open by appointment.

Please email with any questions.

Who can I talk to? Where can I go for more information?

If you have questions or concerns, please email and we will be in touch.

This page will be updated as information becomes available. Thank you for your patience.