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Allegations and Safety Concerns At The Monroe County Jail

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Allegations and safety concerns at the Monroe County Prison are brought up again to officials.

Some Monroe County Corrections Officers say they fear for their lives.

They tell us the administration is not working with them when it comes to their safety.


"I think you guys need to be made aware of this information and discuss it because it involves a criminal enterprise inside the institution."

Monroe County Corrections Officers continue to present allegations that they say are not being handled correctly at the jail.

Monroe County Corrections Officer Don Kubick says, "There’s issues involving certain administrative level staff, some officers, we’ve had some new officers that were hired that are doing nefarious things that have been presented to the administration and they refuse to conduct investigations, they conduct investigations against their own policy and that’s what we’re trying to address here."

Officers at this morning’s Prison Board Meeting requested to be a part of the executive session to address those personnel issues but they were denied. Instead the Monroe County District Attorney urged them to reach out to his office when it comes to criminal allegations. And submit all others in written form to be considered during the executive session.

Kubick says, "We’ve provided things written for the last several years, we’ve gotten no response. They just asked for them again so we’ll provide them again and see what response we get and if not, we’re going to be here every month. It has to get addressed before it ends with one of us losing our lives. We’ve been saying that and we’ve had issues in the parking lot with people threatening people, people in the jail threatening people."

Monroe County District Attorney Michael Mancuso says, "I believe the board can only act on facts that are proven. So this will get a chance to get that done. And if we have follow up with you, we’ll invite you in to discuss it or take other action."

Besides what the officers are addressing when it comes to personnel, they have major safety concerns.

Kubick says, "Gangs, drugs, a lot of safety issues with the parking lot, just our safety goes in peril here and this administration is not working with us."

One of the safety measures they’re requesting is a swipe card gate for the staff parking lot. When News13 asked the Monroe County Prison Board Members for further comment, they declined.