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Stop the Moyer Warehouse – Attend the June 20th Public Hearing

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Moyer Warehouse Second Public Hearing – June 20th 6-9pm Long Pond, PA

Many came out in force in April 2023 to the first hearing on this proposed detrimental project that would inflict harm to EV Mud Pond Run and EV Tunkhannock Creek – everyone who testified last year urged the DEP and the Monroe Co. Conservation District to deny the application yet it appears now DEP may be poised to issue and approve the permit!  The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is now holding a second public hearing for this distribution center/warehouse proposal – we understand from volunteer monitors that most of the site has been logged by the applicant despite permits yet to be issued and advocacy efforts last year that urged the DEP to stop the destruction. Please join the community at this second  public hearing on June 20th from 6-9pm at the Tunkhannock Fire Hall in Long Pond, PA to urge DEP to deny the application due to the harm it would cause to EV watersheds.    

The Papillon and Moyer I80-115 C-1 Site, LLC Project located in Tunkhannock Township proposes to discharge stormwater into EV wetlands adjacent to the EV Mud Pond Run and EV Tunkhannock Creek (NPDES Permit Application No. PAD450168). This project would consist of a massive complex of distribution centers and commercial businesses along Route 115, just a mile south of Pocono Raceway. All of this paved impervious surface would be squeezed onto the 100-acre property that is currently a sensitive forested glacial unique habitat. The property is adjacent to one of the few glacial lakes in Monroe County and the surrounding ecosystem of bogs is known as glacial till barrens habitat. The majority of the site was forested, but the developer has already prematurely cut and mulched the forest that helps to protect the exceptional water resources on the site – as a result we believe that waterbodies are already likely heating up from this devastation that was allowed.

This habitat is unique in Monroe County and serves as critical habitat for several threatened and endangered plant species. Further fragmenting and harming this area is the Transco Regional Energy Expansion natural gas pipeline (REAE), which runs through this property. The EV stream and the surrounding EV wetlands are supposed to receive the highest level of protection from degradation, yet they are now threatened as DEP is poised to actually approve the stormwater and Erosion and sediment control applications! 

You came out in force at the first hearing in April 2023! As a result, the developer was forced to return to the drawing board to attempt to remedy significant deficiencies in the application. After more than a year of redesign, those deficiencies still have not been fully addressed, but the developer is impatient and is back a second time seeking approval from DEP.

This is your chance to urge the DEP to prioritize protecting our EV wetlands and streams from harmful degradation and thermal pollution by denying these proposals that would sacrifice important forested areas for development that is not needed and not wanted.  

The hearing will take place at the Tunkhannock Township Fire Hall located at 1539 Long Pond Road, Long Pond, PA 18334 on Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 6:00pm to 9:00 pm.

You must pre-register with DEP if you’d like to speak at the hearing. 

Individuals wishing to testify for a guaranteed speaking slot at the hearing must email Colleen Connolly, Community Relations Coordinator at: Please sign up now so DEP knows you plan on joining.  Comments will be limited to 5 minutes. Commenters are asked to  bring three written copies of your comment.   Additional written comments will be accepted for 15 days after the hearing. All comments, whether delivered orally during the hearing or submitted in writing will carry equal weight and consideration with DEP.

Because these DEP permits deal with stormwater impacts from this distribution center project, your comments should be focused on water quality impacts and/or your experience with these threatened waters. Personal stories, experiences, and recommendations are most important for DEP’s consideration. 

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