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Cheese Making

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Farmer's Cheese is a dairy product, an unripened cheese made by adding rennet and bacterial starter to coagulate and acidify milk. Farmer cheese may be made from the milk of cows, sheep or goats, with each giving its own texture and flavor. During coagulation the mixture separates into curds (solid) and whey (liquid), then the whey is drained off. Further pressing out of the moisture yields the malleable solid results of pot cheese, while even more pressing makes farmer cheese, which is solid, dry and crumbly. Adding herbs, garlic or other ingredients creates a soft, flavored spread. Enjoy samples as Brenda takes you through the process of making farmer's cheese. Date: Thursday, August 8th Time: 10:00am - 3:30pm Fee: Included with tour admission Instructor: Carol Carpenetti

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