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Smithfield Township Zoning Ordinance Amendment Public Hearing

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THE TOWNSHIP OF SMITHFIELD MONROE COUNTY, PA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATING THE ZONING CODE TO REFERENCE SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS IN CHAPTER 27, SECTION 705. Notice is hereby given that the Township of Smithfield, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, will hold a regular business meeting on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Municipal Building, 1155 Red Fox Road, East Stroudsburg, PA. At that meeting and as a meeting agenda item, there will be a public hearing to consider and vote on whether or not to adopt proposed Township Ordinance No. 255 that would amend the Township Zoning Ordinance as follows: additions to the Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 27-Zoning, Section 27-705-Site Development Plan Review to include references to Special Exception Uses and clarify that special exception use permit applications are reviewed by the Township Planning Commission and Township Zoning Hearing Board. Any and all interested persons or parties are invited to attend the meeting and public hearing and offer public comment prior to the Board taking official action. This meeting will also be live-streamed where for computers: and where the Meeting ID Number is 989 0513 4303 and the Meeting Passcode is 7333; and, if joining by phone, the call-in number is 1-929-205-6099 and where the Meeting ID Number and the Passcode are the same. Immediately following this public hearing and on the same day, time and place, the Township Supervisors will then continue with the public meeting to inter alia consider, vote and/or take official action on the zoning change or on any of the matters discussed at the public hearing; otherwise, another public hearing will be scheduled upon due and proper notice prior to taking such official action. A full copy of the complete text of the proposed ordinance has been delivered to the County Law Library and this newspaper for examination by the public and a full copy of the complete text of the proposed ordinance may also be examined without charge at the Township Building (at the address noted above) Monday through Friday during its business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.) by requesting a copy of same from the Township Secretary; or, a copy of the ordinance may be obtained at cost upon payment to the Township of its copy charge for same. Smithfield Township Board of Supervisors

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