Event Date
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Tobyhanna Township Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing at the Tobyhanna Township Municipal Building, 105 Government Center Way, Pocono Pines, PA 18350, on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing the following:
APPLICANTS Carrie Lynn Anderson and Shawn Anthony Bean of 4820 Rainbow Ridge Circle, Schwenksville, PA 19473 seek a dimensional variance from the minimum 15 ft. side yard setback to construct a front porch extending to within 12 ft. of the side lot line. The property in question is 119 Comanche Trail also known as Lot 15 Block A-7, Section 1, Arrowhead Lake, Tax Parcel No 19.17A.1.28. The zoning district is R-2.
Any interested party may examine the plans and applications for this public notice during the hours of 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Tobyhanna Township Municipal Building on business days. Any person with a disability and in need of special accommodations to allow participation at the public hearing should contact the Township Secretary at (570) 646-1212 at least 24 hours prior to the public hearing.
Joseph P. McDonald, Jr., Solicitor
1651 West Main Street
Stroudsburg PA 18360