Event Date
NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Board of Commissioners of Pocono Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, will hold a public hearing, held pursuant to the Pennsylvania Local Agency Law, commencing at 6:00 p.m. on March 17, 2025, at the Pocono Township Municipal Building located at 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania 18372 to consider a waiver request from the Pocono Township Code of Ordinances Chapter 365 Stormwater Management; § 365-10 Water quality and stream-bank erosion; Subsection I Buffers by Michael Forzato, owner of and involving real property known as 156 Doe Road, Bartonsville (Pocono Township), Pennsylvania 18321; Monroe County Tax Parcel I.D. No.; Map/PIN # 12638203226514 (the Subject Property). The Subject Property is located in the R-1 Zoning District.
Copies of the application materials are available for public inspection at the Pocono Township Municipal Building, 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania 18372, during normal business hours. An opportunity will be afforded to any citizen and to all parties in interest to be heard with respect to this application.
Leo V. DeVito, Jr., Esquire
Township Solicitor