Event Date
NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Pocono Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, will consider for adoption at a Public Meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m. on the 17th day of March, 2025, at the Pocono Township Municipal Building, 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania 18372, ordinances amending the Pocono Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 90, Airport Zoning; Chapter 129 Burning, Open; Chapter 205 Floodplain Management; Chapter 212 Furnaces, Outdoor; Chapter 220 Grading, Erosion and Sedimentation Control; Chapter 230 Insurance Proceeds; Emergency Responses and Alarms; Chapter 235 Junkyards and Junk Vehicles; Chapter 250 Maintenance of Properties; Chapter 302 Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwellings; Chapter 333 Sewers and Sewage Disposal; Chapter 356 Solid Waste; Chapter 365 Stormwater Management; Chapter 382 Structures, Dangerous; and, Chapter 404 Tires (collectively the Ordinances); adding additional provisions for nuisances to the Ordinances and repealing all ordinances inconsistent therewith. Copies of the proposed Ordinances are available for review at the Pocono Township Municipal Building located at 112 Township Drive, Tannersville, Pennsylvania 18372, during normal business hours.
Leo V. DeVito, Jr., Solicitor
Pocono Township
38 West Market Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018